Noisy kids Complain Essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:English

Document 1

It is a group of school children aged between 10 to 14 years who since the schools went for a vacation this summer has become bothered to neighbors due to rumpus they create with their noisy games at night from 10 to 12 am. It is the first time this is happening since schools are on vacation and kids are at home all day long. The noise disrupts our sleep thus remaining awake until the time they leave which is almost time for us to wake and prepare for jobs. Parents have a lot of work to do with their children when schools close than when they are at school thus creating moments of headaches and quarrels with their children. The only option that parents are left with is letting them out of the house and sent them to play with their friends outside.

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(Moore, np), claims that kids enjoy company with their peers more than adults could enjoy with other adults. Kids are playful beings that could sacrifice their meals to spending time with their peers jumping and screaming all over. Besides, parents experience the hardest time with their kids when schools are closed where kids want to do various things that they feel restricted to do at school or during school days. Most of their time is spent online using social Media to chat and make video calls with friends and to strangers. Additionally, during vacations, they feel it’s time to spend their entire day on televisions and chatting with their friends that makes them obsessed with internet use. ” Their noises have affected my waking routine where sometimes I find myself almost get late for work.

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I have discussed the issue with some of my neighbors and heard the same complaint that noise keeps them awake throughout the night. One of them said to me that her nine months child keeps on waking up throughout the night and gets asleep when the noise is over. Another complaint was heard from a man from our neighborhood who said that those kids run across the road and when he was driving home from work, he saw two kids running past his car. Those kids could have caused him an accident where he was forced to press an emergency brake. The fact is that these kids are adolescents and are at the developmental stage where they do not like to be shouted at or ordered to do anything.

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They do what they feel is right for them for their pleasure not to please others; therefore, I must use a suitable tactic that would make them sympathetic. Also, would chose to ignore them but this now would mean being ready to endure the noise for the next two months until they return to school. Convince myself that I am being oversensitive to this issue and try to control my emotions. It is their vacation and vacations entails all sought of enjoyments and happy moments that one could imagine of experiencing. Workers have the hardest and tiresome day at work and thus need ample time to rest at night so that they will wake up early for work next day. It is better to let them know the risks of a working person staying awake till late night.

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