Organizational Leadership in Nursing
Document Type:Coursework
Subject Area:Nursing
To ensure the involvement of the patient in their care, it is hence critical that his or her cultural beliefs, their values are understood and respected. A culturally diverse healthcare team provides a safe and conducive patient care environment where the healthcare providers are able to interact easily with the patients from the different cultures. Team diversity provides a platform within which health care providers get to interact and learn about different cultures, their perceptions of health and approaches that are acceptable when caring for patients from such background. Through the interaction in a culturally diverse team, healthcare providers become more cultural conscious when attending to patients from different cultures. Team diversity is important and ought to incorporate a representation of the key cultural diversities cared for within the hospital system.
This makes it possible for the healthcare teams to respond to the needs of the patient effectively and respectfully. Cultural competency must within the team be emphasized and demystified not to mean that each team member has to care for patients from their cultural background. Diversity within the team ought to be encouraged and health team members should be able to understand and care for patients from cultural backgrounds that differ from theirs hence promoting the diversity, tolerance of other peoples’ cultures, belief systems and their needs of care. The multidisciplinary team composition is a critical factor to the implementation of change in the hospital. Multidisciplinary teams will provide technical support and information to effectively manage the change and prevent negative impact of change. Patient-centered care as a care modality can be challenging if not well applied to meet the needs of the patient.
Transformational leaders work towards establishing self-efficacy among the team members motivating the teams towards achieving their needed goals (Cavazotte, Moreno & Bernardo, 2013). In this transformational leader will be critical in steering the members of the interdisciplinary teams in achieving patient-centeredness in their care. This can be achieved by ensuring effective oversight and team learning in the implementation of the patient care. Through this, team members shun their ranks and titles and work as a team learning from different patient care experiences and team members to ensure better patient care approaches and interventions in future patient care (Cavazotte, Moreno & Bernardo, 2013). Transformational leaders have an inherent ability to influence and mobilize support from others. Utilizing this strong ability, transformational leadership will be integral in buying in the needed support from the hospital administrations, partners and other essential parties to the implementation of patient-centered care to ensure its success.
Implementation of the strategy Implementation of change within an organization is an important occurrence, however, change in an organization also poses critical risks of adoption and adaptability to the changes. Change management is hence critical in ensuring effective change as well as the sustainability of the change. In implementing the identified strategy that will allow patients and families to activate the rapid response teams, the multidisciplinary team will require the support of all the organization leadership, stakeholders such as the evidence-based committees in the hospital, patient representatives and staff among others. This will allow the response teams to reduce the time of response taken to address patient care hence resulting in better outcomes and better experiences of care. The team lead will utilize other previous interventional sites that have adopted the change ad quote the effectiveness and benefits the change conferred to such organizations to drum up the need to replicate a similar change within the hospital.
In this stage of unfreezing, it will be critical to ensure that the change management is effective through managing the expectations of the intended change and clearing doubts and concerns effectively. The second period will aim to first identify and communicate with the administration and the unit leads to the required members of the multidisciplinary team members to institute the change. Identifying and choosing of the needed team members for the multidisciplinary team will incorporate ideas and contributions from the hospital management as well as unit leaders to ensure ownership of the teams as well as the change process and diffuse concerns about the intended change. The unit director/manager will work closely with the multidisciplinary team lead to provide insight and advise as well as help in the coordination of the team's activities such as staff training and sensitization.
The director will also be a linkage between the multidisciplinary team members and the unit staff to ensure amicable relations and an effective change process is realized. The code blue team in collaboration with the clinical practice council will be key to developing standard operating procedures for the utilization of the code blue activation by patients and families. The unit director and team lead will through email share the protocols with the hospital administration and engage on the applicability of the standards within the hospital. Once the protocols are adopted, the patient-centered care council will through the multidisciplinary nurse staff members disseminate the standard operating procedures to the care teams in the units. The communication will also include evidence-based sources supporting the strategy in improving patient-centered care. The outcomes will also be communicated through email providing a checklist and a monitoring schedule for the intended outcomes of the intervention by the multidisciplinary team.
A meeting with the other members of the hospital administration as well as the CEO and head of nursing will be convened to further deliberate and address concerns on the strategy or its intended outcomes. The unit director who is part of the team will utilize the available staff boards to communicate the intended strategy, its intended outcomes, and approaches to measuring the outcomes to the organization. The code blue council will prepare brochures with more details of the change and distribute them through the champions to the units, Patient-centered care teams and the clinical practice council members will be responsible for utilizing the online social media platforms such as Facebook, and professional platforms such as associations meetings to enlighten the organization on the changes and the intended benefits. The team leader will play a critical role in entrenching tolerance within the team members and allowing the members of the team to understand their diversity and seek to utilize the diversity within the team to achieve the teams’ objectives.
Through the integration of transformational leadership, the different temperaments within the teams can be embraced and utilized towards ensuring that the objectives of improving the patient-centered care are achieved and sustained. References Busher, B, Daniel A. Madeleine Leininger and the Transcultural Theory of Nursing. The Downtown Review. Chang, H. Chuang, W. Transformational Leadership and Team Performance. SAGE Open, 3(3), 215824401349702. doi: 10. com/tests_page. php?id=280 Fiester, A. What “Patient-Centered Care” Requires in Serious Cultural Conflict. Academic Medicine, 87(1), 20-24. doi: 10.
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