Physical and Emotional Neglect

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

While preventing child abuse is nearly globally said to be a critical social policy, startlingly less work has been performed to scrutinize the efficiency of the preventive measures and interventions. In Lisa’s case, it is important to address the fact that emotional neglect for her kids may be happening because of her emotional inattentiveness, where she is failing to notice, attend to, and respond accordingly to her children – this means the kids would probably be missing on critical learning and how to create sense of their behaviors and feelings (Chen, Yang, & Chou, 2016). Also, the children are probably missing the empathy experience from their mother, which is impairing their capability of developing empathy for themselves and several others around them. With time, they learn that their feelings are either bad, do not matter, or are irrelevant.

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Furthermore, some parenting types are more probable to lead to emotional neglect – Lisa’s style of parenting is not exceptional so it is advisable to address it accordingly. In this case, the plan that I will implement to start working more effectively with the three children of Lisa while in foster care is the therapeutic day care program. It is the most suitable plan because it is capable of addressing issues with attachment, emotional behavior problems, physical problems, and self-concept in neglected and abused children. Therapeutic day care results in considerable pre- and post-testing gains (usually compared with the controls) n every tested developmental area, inclusive of gross and fine motor skills, language functioning, and emotional and social functioning, to mention just a few. Through the therapeutic care plan, the children will be presented with a foundation to socialize, plan, and learn alongside their ideally developing peers (Kampen, 2015).

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Also, the effective policies and goals of the program would ensure the children have quick recovery from their physical and emotional neglect problem. The research and questions I asked them provided me with the necessary information, which would help with the resolution of a wide range of their disorders and conditions (Howe, 2015). After the initial meeting, I got a clear picture that experiences with neglect and child abuse are a primary element of many child behavioral and mental disorders, inclusive of poor academic performances, depression, and delayed development, to mention just a few. Most forms of child neglect and abuse and avoidable and treatable, and most severe effects of child abuse might be decreased with proper assistance and attention. As such, the meeting with Lisa’s three children provided me with the chance of being capable to address, and eventually evade, a wide range of social and individual disorders, which had the potential of impairing the life quality and health of the kids (Kendall-Tackett et al.

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In addition, I was able to acquire knowledge and insights, which can directly help the child neglect victims as well as their mother (or family) (Matthews, 2017). Most communities have created teams to help in assessing child neglect and abuse cases (Chen, Yang, & Chou, 2016). These teams might include pediatricians or several other healthcare providers, CPSs (child protective services) caseworkers, an educational psychologist, law enforcement officer, mental counselor, and child development specialist, to mention just a few. In performing the assessment, I will need to tap the team’s resources. If there is no team consultation with experts who represent the core disciplines is immensely recommended. If I realize that the culture of the children’s family is different from my own, I will consult professionals with pertinent knowledge and understanding of the family’s culture.

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 Child Abuse and Neglect, 221-233. doi:10. Kampen, J. Recovery from Neglect: Coping and Intervening.  Emotional Abuse and Neglect in the Workplace, 136-173. Matthews, P. A multidisciplinary urban response to child abuse and neglect.  Child Abuse & Neglect, 1(1), 245-254. doi:10.

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