Plight of Refugees in Dadaab Camp

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Literature

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Notably, a huge portion of the refugees fled to Kenya after the collapse of the Said Barre Somalia government (Mackinnon 2). The situation led to the birth of Dadaab Camp which is located in the Northern Eastern part of Kenya. For years, the camp has increased the number of refugees due to the prolonged period of political instability in Somalia. The camp is composed of five camps- Dagahaley, Hagadera, Ifo, Kambios and Ifo 2- and with a population of more than 520,000. In addition, more than 75% of the population comprises of women, elderly and children below the age of 12 (Médecins Sans Frontières 2). The move has affected the provision of medical services and other essential services in the camp (Medicines Sans frontiers 4). Besides, lack of access to firewood and latrines has predisposed the refugees to attacks as women endeavors to seek firewood.

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However, there has been an improvement in the situation which has reduced incidents throughout the year 2013. According to Mackinnon, the escalation of attack in Kenya by the Somalia militia group has amplified the terror attack in Kenya (5). In particular, the Ali Shabab group attacks on the Westgate Shopping mall in 2013 which led 72 people dead has further worsened the situation. In this light, the situation has restricted refugees to make income whether in the formal or the informal sector (UNHCR 47). Housing facilities Dadaab camp is largest refugee camp in the world with a population of one million. Housing facility has become a problem since the UNHCR only provide temporally T-structures to the refugees. According to Medicines Sans frontiers, housing has the major complain among the refugee with more the forty one percent indicating that the shelter do not provide sufficient protection from rain (6).

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Therefore, the housing conditions have predisposed them to diseases which can prevented by proper housing. Moreover, more than 50 malnourished children with adverse medical conditions were admitted in the MSF medical facilities. However, cuts from funding organizations have worsened the situation. For instance, in October 2013, the World Food Programme (WFP) announced a twenty percent cut of food ration which was set aside for the camp. The move has created an enormous gap in the food requirement in the camp thus worsening the situation. More so, the delay in registering and food distribution was also another factor which contributed to the high mortality rate. As a result, children have died in the camp due to measles. A vaccination exercise was organized at the end of 2011 to all kid under the age of 5 years as a preventive measure (Polonsky, et al.

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Education Education plays a vital in creating of future leaders and probably Dadaab host some of these leaders. A repertoire of research has also indicated that individual who have undergone through primary and secondary school programme are more likely to support a democratic form of government. Currently, the major impediment in Dadaab camp is the lack of quality education due to lack of adequate funds from donors. Repatriation Kenyan Deputy President hit international headline as the government clearly stated its intention of closing down the world largest refugees camp (Nanjala 75). The decision was a response to the devastating attack on the Garissa University College which left at least 147 students dead (BBC News). According to Kenyan National Intelligence, the camp housed the terrorist before committing the heinous attack. The remark was made in the shadow of the Tripartite Agreement which safeguards the right and the plight of refugees.

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According to Medicines Sans Frontiers, the main reasons for refugees fleeing Somali were linked to war and the chronic drought in the country (6). In other words, the refuge will have a chance of living an ordinary which is different from that of the Camp. Conclusion Apparently, the political condition has improved significantly in Somalia, but the plight of refugee in Dadaab camp is yet to improve. Arguably, the discussion regarding voluntary repatriation has been viewed as the right call. However, the move should not be implemented at the cost of proving assistance and protection of refugees. The huge reduction of humanitarian aid is unacceptable since it viewed as a move to force the refugees to return to Somalia. Accessed 24 June 2018. Mackinnon, Hayley. Education in Emergencies: The Case Of The Dadaab Refugee Camps.

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CIGL, vol.  47, July 2014, pp. High Levels Of Mortality, Malnutrition, And Measles, Among Recently-Displaced Somali refugees In Dagahaley Camp, Dadaab Refugee Camp Complex, Kenya, 2011. Conflict and Health, vol.  7, no.  1, 2013, pp. UNHCR. fv. pdf. Accessed 23 June 2018.

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