Police Brutality in America vs other Countries

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

Document 1

Police brutality has been experienced for decades, the term ‘police brutality' itself has a very long history since as early as 1872 when the American press began using the phrase to define the several forms of police misconduct( Worden, 2015). Police brutality was first reported by the Chicago Tribune while reporting on the arrest and beating of the civilians which happened at the Harrison police street station, unlike other developed nations in the world, cops are almost never prosecuted and convicted for use of force in the united states even though the first incident of police brutality was reported in the united states (Bonilla and Rosa, 2015). Police brutality on civilians was associated with labor strikes whereby people go on streets for a peaceful demonstration to demand their rights; an example of the famous police brutality on labor strikers was the great railroad strike which happens in 1877 and the Pullman strike of 1894.

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Police are normally regarded as law keepers of the society, they are expected to maintain law and order in their respective countries hence the society expects a lot from them. Some countries have never had the best from the police due to the rampant police brutality (Hawkins, 2018). The other type of police brutality is false arrest and imprisonment of the innocent civilians without much interrogation or investigation of his or her innocence, finally, the unreasonable searches whereby the police can forcefully search civilians on the streets with the intentions of either embarrassing them or even just causing a scene in the streets. America Vs. Other Countries police There is a significant difference between the United States police and police from other countries In terms of how they handle situations as well as how they are regarded by the society.

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Being ranked as the country with the highest rate of police brutality, the United States, unlike other countries, has a lot of discrimination against racism among their civilians (Cooper 2015). The blacks are normally the first suspects wherever there is a crime committed and they are always the first people to be investigated, they are frequently searched on the streets and movements monitored, unlike other countries which do not concentrate too much on racism and discrimination while dealing with crimes. The police have been given a lot of powers to exercise and that is why fear is also a factor as to why they are not stopped hence increasing in their acts. How to make police brutality a thing of the past There are many ways in which we can minimize police brutality and make it a thing of the past if only there is cooperation between the police and the civilians (Hawkins, 2018).

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The best that we can do is to make sure that the police are again trained on human rights and their roles and responsibilities well defined to ensure that they do their work diligently hence reducing the rate of police brutality because some of this police have not had enough knowledge on human rights. Since the main cause of police brutality is the action of stop and frisk by the police, this action should be burned by the authorities to ensure that the rights of the people are upheld and respected by the police. Police departments seem not to implement any efforts to minimize police brutality by the police, even though there is, however, some remedies that are employed to ensure that police brutality is reduced.

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