Policy priority concern
Document Type:Coursework
Subject Area:Nursing
The healthcare policy defines rules and regulations or research based on the proper implementation of insurance policies, healthcare research and hospital care policies which tend to affect health practitioners together with their patients. This sector of policy focuses primarily on the cost structure and the design of the insurance programs of the government, procedures, and policies of the public health, health insurance plans together with rules that control the overall operation of clinics and hospitals in the country (Patel & Rushefsky, 2014). Healthcare policy is developing to cover entire sector ranging from the process of designing leading to final implementation of various policies and plans which provides a smooth and efficient running of hospital facilities es while also maintaining patients, doctors, and the accompanied drugs for the prescription. According to Patel & Rushefsky (2014), a study conducted revealed that nurse’s policy is the ability of, a nurse to influence the process of the mission making and matters linked to health via effective communication, knowledge of politics and partnership with other staffs of the health group.
The overall result is the improvement and advancement of a nurse’s work environment. • Educating the patients on their conditions and the possible ways of treatments. Hence, their implication in the healthcare policy is to ensure that patients are well informed of their conditions while also attending to patients who are in a critical condition in areas of increasing of advancing healthcare costs and privacy regards that hinders access to resources. The relationship between advocating and the advanced practice nurses is in the sense of teamwork working to facilitate the smooth running of all the services in clinics and hospitals. The advanced practice nurses have mandated to plays a role towards being closer to the patients while ensuring the doctors meet their healthcare demands and to be offered with appropriate medication, so as advocacy does in the healthcare environment.
The two sectors both have a significant role in ensuring the safety of the patients during treatment. This has seen them struggling much to access and address the challenge since mental health problems are considered as a global challenge. Also, ordinary American has more than 46% chances of experiencing mental health problems during their stay (lifetime). Over 50% of those who survive up to 75 are more likely to experience the disorder. A report revealed also shows that baby boomers slant this milestone in significant numbers (Harris et al. After complete conceptualization, the mental health policy can work in coordinating essential activities and services while ensuring delivery of care and treatment is addressed to those demanding. A look under the hood reveals that human beings are primates with executive functioning and superior skill and their survival Cruces on their ability to acquire the skills and establish the relationships which are mandatory to become an active member in the nation.
To help in addressing the mentioned healthcare problem among people, it is therefore essential to identify their change. Hence the following can be done to address the question: • Establishing therapy adoption. Satisfaction and retention rates show that building an environment which fosters human evolution is not an easy task, but, it is considered being possible and that the results are immense. Adults can be provided with tools to help them change their as contained in the neuroimaging that shows how therapy can be useful in improving the human brain. In the case of United States, there is increased violence due to mental disorders, thus, embracing the above solutions will lead to a reduced case of violence in the society while at the same time cut the number of victims of mental health as compared to violence perpetrators.
Changes in the community to foster proposed implementation include creating awareness of the condition and its adverse effect towards development in the country, establishing more centers for mental health, training more psychiatrists to accommodate the growing number and cases of mental health problems. Population group needs to be accessed and given the right knowledge of the information necessary to handle the condition and those patients suffering from the disorder. In demonstrating the impact of the solution provided to the group, a measurable action has to be revealed to support the implementation claims. This includes an increased number of victims who are recovering from the disorder. The level of poverty should also be boosted to enable people to afford the medical bill. The government should also key in to subsidize the payments (Maxwell, 2013).
• The government to develop ways of generating revenue and channel it towards health facilities in the nation. This will help in building up more healthcare facilities in the state to address the challenges faced by citizens based on mental health. An important service delivery system to be established too to facilitate faster medical concern to patients who cannot reach the facilities (Maxwell, 2013). Conclusion A medical concern of the citizens in the country is a vital aspect to consider and act on it based on the demands of the patients. The need to strengthen on this area is a route to ensure a healthy and strong nation. Mental disorder is a standard though highly subjective, an emotion of human beings. The psychological, social and biological factors which constitute the formation and preservation of mental disorders were embraced.
It is recommended that all the concerned shareholders and stake parties work in conjunction to help solve the problem within the community. topmastersinhealthcare. com/faq/what-is-healthcare-policy/ Kant Patel, Mark E. Rushefsky. Healthcare Politics and Policy in America. tandfonline. Retrieved from: http://theconversation. com/why-mental-health-treatment-is-not-an-easy-solution-to-violence-92720.
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