Political Correctness or Political Incorrectness
Such a society needs the utmost respect from each and every individual for peaceful co-existence between the different races and ethnicities. Such multicultural society is subject to cultural wars or conflicts, race conflicts, religious conflicts, political stands conflicts and many other conflicts that arise in such societies. Equality is when every member of the society has an opportunity to be heard. An opportunity to air one's own views without fear of contradiction and intimidation. But in such a society respect is paramount. A mind that can freely air its reasoning without the fear of being contradicted. A free mind supports one's own reasoning and expresses what one feels that suits him or her. On the article, "On political correctness" by William Deresiewicz, he says that "I listened to students—young women, again, who considered themselves strong feminists—talk about how they were afraid to speak freely among their peers, and how despite its notoriety as a platform for cyberbullying, they were grateful for YikYak, the social media app, because it allowed them to say anonymously what they couldn't say in their own name.
Above all, I heard my students tell me that while they generally identified with the sentiments and norms that travel under the name of political correctness, they thought that it had simply gone too far—way too far. Everybody felt oppressed, as they put it, by the "PC police"—everybody that is, except for those whom everybody else regarded as members of the PC police. He is against politically correct society since that would limit his freedom of speech. From the above two cases, political correctness and political incorrectness have their own disadvantages and advantages. On political correctness, the welfare of the marginalized people is well taken care of. In this society that is politically correct, the marginalized get to be served with the respect that they well deserve. There are no instances of discrimination hence people tend to live harmoniously.
Therefore political correctness increases the vulnerability of the marginalized people in society. As discussed above, no one can justify political correctness and incorrectness and persuade everyone to join his or her side. Both stands have verified advantages and disadvantages. The best thing to do in a culturally pluralistic society is to have people act according to what is right. What they feel won't discriminate other people who are marginalized. By that, the society should act politically correct and politically incorrect when it is appropriate. Work Cited: Deresiewicz, William. On Political Correctness. st ed. pp. pp. pdf. Accessed 6 Nov 2018. Younkins, Edward W. Political Correctness Threatens Free Society.
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