Pride and Prejudice Analysis

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

Document 1

Elizabeth in this novel, pride, and Prejudice written by Jane Austen, is the main character. Elizabeth Bennet is a female form a middle-class family living in the 19th century in England. Elizabeth has a few sisters. However, their characters are very different and hers might be defined as compromised in some way. This essay illustrates how first impressions can be deceiving as outlined in the story of Elizabeth and Mr. However, later on, we find that Elizabeth comes to learn a very hard lesson by realizing that what she had concluded about my Darcy was actually incorrect. In comparison with her sisters, she eventually has a very long lasting relationship and marriage with Mr. Darcy. We find this rather ironical since her Elizabeth first meet up with Mr.

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Darcy was not that good. It is also highlighted by the aspect of the other sisters to Elizabeth. Their getting married to the various men due to certain impressions illustrates their hasty and incorrect decision and that is why their marriages never worked out for long. Elizabeth and Mr. Dracy first met in a ball, about one year before their marriage. Her first impression about Mr. Darcy found her as not handsome enough to really bring temptation to him. He also thought of Elizabeth as tolerable. This is found in the third chapter of the novel. Elizabeth first impression about Mr. Darcy was quite supported by the help of her friends and her sister, Mr. Bingly by Mr. Darcy was taken with great contempt by Elizabeth.

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