Private Prisons in United States essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:English

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However, despite these claims, their effectiveness has been questioned and scrutinized by the human rights groups and American citizens (Howard 1002). Consequently, private prisons are mushrooming and it is anticipated that the number is likely to increase more as time pass by. Private prisons started in the 1980s under régimes of Ronald and George W. Bush. They attained a climax level in the 1990s under the control of William Clinton when the demand for the Wall Street stocks was very high. Private prisons are also involved in locking up of American citizens who do not have any insight. Sally Yates (deputy attorney general during the reign of Obama) is on the view that privately owned prisons don't offer the same level of correctional facilities as compared with the publicly owned prisons.

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Consequently, they don't maintain a similar level of protection and safety and are associated with high level of assaults involving the inmates. It was anticipated that private prisons would be done away with in the coming years when Obama was the then acting United States president. Also, United States Department of justice was working hard towards realizing this (Kai 54). This will make them accountable and responsible thus changing to their level best as they would be anticipated to be monitored anytime. Governments should also establish a direct link with private prisons and that the facilities should be made accessible to the media personnel (O'Carroll 350). In this case, Press members should be allowed to have a direct conversation with the inmates in the facilities.

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