Provision of college support to students with especial educational needs

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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Over 40,000 students have been declared to have disabilities with an expectation on increase in figure due to varying factors that leads to disabilities. Mainstreaming disabilities in education development involves inclusion of students with special needs at all educational aspects to ensure that they receive highly quality education equivalent to the normal students, enabling them to compete equally with their counterparts who are normal. Student with special disability inclusion is identified as a state that need to be considered in all programs. It cannot be afforded to be viewed as a stand-alone thematic issue whereby all the state parties are required to implement measures and guidelines to ensure equal and full participation of the group with special needs in the society. List of abbreviations NCSE- National Council for Special Education EPSEN- Establishment of Education for Person with Special Education Need ADHD-Attention Deficit Hypertensive Disorder UNESCO- United Nation Educational Scientific and Cultural Organizations SEN- Students with Special Needs JUPAS- Joint University programmes Admission Systems Table of Contents Abstract 1 List of abbreviations 2 Chapter one 3 Introduction 3 Background information of the research 3 Significant of the study 5 Problem statement 5 Research objectives 6 Major objective 6 Specific objectives 6 Chapter two 7 Literature review 7 Introduction 7 Literature review 7 Inclusion history and background 8 Legal framework 11 Research rationale 11 Chapter three 12 Research methodology 12 Introduction 12 Research design 12 Study area 12 Target population 13 Reliability of the research 14 Research confidentiality 14 Data collection method 14 Data analysis and presentation 15 Chapter one Introduction This chapter entails the concept and development of the proposal with the background information of the research and statement of the problem that the research intends to solve.

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Others have been noted to experience physical or neurological impairments or visual problems which may range from mid to severe condition. There are also those student who indicate literacy and language difficulties in such they cannot communicate or even express themselves properly in class. Another form of learning disability expressed in those students with gifted and talented learning skills whose educational potential is beyond the normal human capacity including intellectual, creativeness, social, and physical capabilities. The development of education policies and practices has focused on inclusive education to cater for the children and young people with special education needs. The department of education has come to an agreement on segregation of education system for children with special educational needs especially those at higher learning. Colleges and universities comes up with special programs to assist these students to enable them improve their learning skills for effective competition in the job market and also to enable the, become relevant in the society.

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The study conducted herein therefore aims at finding out how colleges provide academic support for such students with special academic disabilities to enable them become more competitive in education field. This research will also provide legal and institutional guidelines established to indicate appropriate means of inclusive practices for students with special educational needs in colleges and universities. The research is therefore important in ensuring that students with special academic disabilities acquires a quality and effective education as it is provided to any other normal student. Problem statement Discrimination rate has of late increased in education sector especially colleges over those students with special educational disabilities. To find out how legal and institutional guidelines provided support inclusive practices for the students with special academic needs in higher learning institutions. To find out how colleges and universities have been organized to provide academic support for the students with special educational needs to improve their performance Research questions 1.

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Does the legal and institutional guideline provision supports inclusive practices for students with special educational needs in colleges? 2. Does colleges and universities been organized in such a way to provide academic and social support for students with special educational need? Chapter two Literature review Introduction This section entails the theoretical framework of the conducted research on how colleges provide support for students with special educational needs. The literature review provided in this chapter contains the theory behind the research problem stated as provided by different researchers in the educational field. Considering this data, the trend is providing a positive feedback to the effort of students with special educational disabilities inclusiveness in the education sector. Apart from the college support, the federal, state, and local laws related to education protects the rights of students with special educational disabilities.

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These bodies prohibits discriminations among these students and ensures equal access to quality and level of education. The guidelines provides detailed legal provisions dictating the rights of the students with special educational disabilities. They also provide advice and procedures for these students as they consider which college to join and the academic program to enroll. Most students mainly focus on their disabilities as an obstacle that hinders their social and educational progress. They can however assume their disabilities and highlight their positive qualities and achievements to thrive with the existing challenges. During enrollment of the applicants, college institutions will focus on these traits to understand the abilities and potentials in an educational disabled student. College institution provides an inclusive programs that involves the students and the coordinator of disability services in adjustment of the academic programs.

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Parents at this point plays a minimal role in shaping the life of a student as the student is trained to take full responsibility of him/herself despite the physical disability he/she may be experiencing. Other inclusive practices include provision of quiet and separate testing environment and provide modified test and exams papers for student with visual and mental disabilities. Some students have indicated attention deficit disorders that include difficulties with focusing, sustain and attention shift which may influence the ability of a student to learn. Legal framework The section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 protects the students with disabilities. The provided legal framework covers the students with physical or mental disabilities to sustainably limit diverse life challenges. The legal statement covered by section 504 includes students with physical or mental disabilities that influences individual’s life activities, has indicated a record of mental or physical disorder or recognized to have significant impairment.

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Research design The research intends to employ qualitative research design to investigate on the provision of educational support to college students with special educational needs. Description research design will involve a population of interest that provide information on how educational institutions like colleges and universities provides inclusive programs to support appropriate learning for those students. This is because descriptive research design provides a clear definition on the set research objectives. Descriptive research design will also provide appropriate and easier way of collecting data from a relatively large number of cases to produce a more representative results. Qualitative research design will be appropriate research method in this research as it examines, describe and provide understanding of the research concept. The management team will also provide information on the inclusive services they offer to the students with special educational needs to hem them improve their academic and social lives.

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The researcher will also interview the student association to find out how they have individually developed from the inclusive programs provided by the institution. Tutors and members of support staffs will also be interviewed on their role in ensuring that the institution meets its objective of attaining maximum inclusion of the students with special educational needs in the college education program. The research will take a population of 100 respondents which will take the following distribution; the collage management board- 30 respondents, tutors and teaching staffs- 30 respondents, non-teaching staffs- 20 respondents, students- 20 participants. Reliability of the research Reliability will be appropriate in testing the accuracy and precision of the results obtained from the conducted research. The researcher will also make use of tables and graphs to present the collected qualitative data. Qualitative data will also be analyzed using theoretical approaches which will be as per the guideline of the research objectives.

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References Best Practices for Including Persons with Disabilities in All Aspects of Development Efforts. Vol 7. New York: United Nations; 2013.  Researching Interpersonal Relationships: Qualitative Methods, Studies, and Analysis. doi:10. n2. Mitchell D, Desai I. Inclusive Education for Students with Special Needs. net/for-students/students-with-disabilities/. Published June 21, 2017. Accessed April 9, 2018. Rothstein LF. Legal Issues.

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