Pushing an end to sanctuary cities
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:English
Primary justifications for these government with noncompliance to federal immigration laws include better community cooperation, prevent racial discrimination, focus on local priorities for enforcement, or even to implement policy that outright oppose federal policy (Bhatt, 2016). Sanctuary Cities Acts as a Criminal Den Citing notable concerns, Sanctuary cities have faced a number of criticism regarding the “law and order. ” Sanctuary cities are as their name indicates – sanctuary harboring criminals. Undocumented criminals with felony and misdemeanor convictions are eventually released back on the street to repeat their criminal offenses. Other undocumented criminals flow to sanctuary cities to evade deportation creating a dangerous community environment for US citizens. A substantial body of research has further hypothesized the social disorganization framework that has continued to exist in the sanctuary cities thus linking the immigration to crime at relatively high aggregate levels.
For instance, the Djajić, and Michael, (2012) report revealed a relatively high increased in the level of homicides in the neighborhoods of the cities of San Diego and Sana Antonio. According to the research, there were positive relationship between the increase in number of the immigrants in these cities and the crime levels. Sanctuary Cities prevent local and state officers from doing their Jobs Djajić, and Michael, (2012) further noted that Sanctuary Cities prevent local and state officers from doing their jobs. Illegal entry into the U. Nevertheless, other members believe that Local law enforcement should be equipped with adequate power and mandate to engage in crime prevention not only when a crime has already taken place to prevent tragedies. The key point here is that states and local authorities should not spend their time targeting the nonviolent, noncriminal illegal immigrants, but the police should retain the mandate to engage in crime prevention.
Sanctuary Cities are Burden to Tax Payers According to the most recent research by Lasch et al. it has been noted with a lot of concern that Sanctuary Cities overburden the government as well as the citizens. Approximately $134. According to the reports, Undocumented immigrant place fiscal burden on the healthcare system and other public services, increasing costs and diminishing availability. IRS ITINs are issued to tax payer regardless of immigration status. Of the approximate 8 million undocumented workers, only 3. million were issued ITINs. So the amount of tax payer by undocumented workers which was at $12 billion a year is not enough to sustain the growing fiscal cost of undocumented immigrants. Further, it is believed that Local law enforcement should be equipped with adequate power and mandate to engage in crime prevention not only when a crime has already taken place to prevent tragedies.
The key point here is that states and local authorities should not spend their time targeting the nonviolent, noncriminal illegal immigrants, but the police should retain the mandate to engage in crime prevention. Strengthen border securities to prevent mass illegal immigration and influx of criminals and drug trafficking. In one of his remarkable speech the present American President Donald Trump once said that Illegal Immigration affects the lives of the all Americans. In his stern yet an incisive voice, he continued to state that illegal immigration burden American taxpayers as well as undermines the public safety. A type of universal working permit could be granted to undocumented population already in the country ending the purpose of creating sanctuary jurisdiction to defy federal law. The universal work permit creates a path to citizenship but should be held in the same strict standard as U.
S immigration law. With a universal work permit, give mandate to local law enforcement to engage in crime prevention in neighborhood and improve cooperation with local immigrant communities. Families with working permit can work with police to root out the criminal element of immigrant communities. Sealing off the U. S. border with Mexico does not stop illegal border crossing completely unless sealing off the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and Gulf coastline which the cost would be astronomical while hindering trade. There are three possible strategies for dealing with currently unauthorized population. One is “deport them all” which is not feasible due to many reasons. These measures comprise of increasing the border security, as well as providing a realistic approach in changing the American Immigration policies. These approaches together with many more will help in providing a long lasting solution to the national challenge.
References Bauder, H. Sanctuary cities: Policies and practices in international perspective. International Migration, 55(2), 174-187. A Collapsing Division: Border and Interior Enforcement in the US Deportation System. American Quarterly, 69(2), 371-395. Lasch, C. N. Chan, R. Understanding Sanctuary Cities. BCL Rev. Lasch, C. Chan, L. Eagly, I. org/issue/publications-resources/fiscal-burden-illegal-immigration-united-states-taxpayers.
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