Report on Teaching as a Career

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:English

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Teachers are equipped with the ability to enhance and foster mental and educational growth. This growth starts as early as kindergarten where pupils learn phonetics and numeric to college and universities where students learn complex programs. Teachers’ main calling is to make a difference in the lives of their students. Field of Teaching There are many areas of specialization in this profession. Teachers can specialize in agricultural studies, art education, biological studies, business studies, chemistry studies, drama and dance studies, driver safety studies, English and linguistics studies, foreign language studies, geography and earth science studies, public health studies, history studies, economics and commerce, industrial arts, mathematics studies, psychology, sales and marketing studies, social science studies, computer and technology studies, technical studies, and vocational studies among others.

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Going into the field of education, one must be prepared to sacrifice time, study hard, be able to teach and learn too. How to be a Teacher Teaching is not all about passing skills and knowledge. A teacher is also an observer. A teacher has a personal responsibility to a student’s welfare. Teachers are expected to report any suspicions of drugs and alcohol misuse in their students. It's important to gain experience by participating in the teacher practicum programs. As a teacher, one can enroll at local schools in order to fine-tune their skills. The field experience enables teachers to present daily lesson plans, communicate with other teaching members, attend meetings, student-teacher conferences and be observed by classroom mentors whether they are ready to be teachers (Kauchak, Don and Paul 25).

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During employment, teachers are expected to have teaching credentials required by the states. Public institutions have to employ licensed and certified teachers but private institutions don’t have to follow these regulations. Areas of employment Teachers have a higher range of employment settings. Teachers can work in both private and public institutions (Sutcher et al. These institutions include an elementary school, secondary school. Secondary schools can be middle school or junior high school. Schools of higher education are other areas where teachers can work. There will be also a 13% increase in employment for elementary teachers in the country. A table showing median salaries for different categories of teachers from the “U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. ” Specialization Median annual salary Kindergarten teachers $52, 620 Elementary teachers $55,800 Middle school teachers $56,720 High school teachers $58,030 Principal $92,510 Teacher assistant $25,410 Special education teachers $55,060 Well, this median salary for teachers also includes job security and other benefits.

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Some teachers are retiring hence there will be a need to replace them. Teaching offers a decent salary, good benefits, and incentives. As a teacher, one can easily grow and advance since the profession provides a stable field for growing. Importance of Teaching to the Society Imagine when you are responsible for someone’s welfare other than yours? Most of the people want to make a difference in their life, doctors want to heal and make the world a better place free from pain and diseases. Social workers want help people live in harmony by counseling and volunteering. Teachers understand that a nation depends on the characters of its students. Teachers are the most important people in the society. I believe that this is the best profession ever.

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