Research on Child Adoption
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:English
Previously, it was common for the opposite-sex marriage to adopt but the presence of same-sex marriage today raised a question if they should be allowed to adopt children or not (Lipkin. Same-sex couples can either be gays or lesbians. Gays refer to two men who have a romantic and sexual relationship. Similarly, lesbians are two ladies who also have a romantic and sexual relationship. Specifically, this research paper demonstrates that same-sex marriage has a desire, capability, constitutional right and scientifically proved to adopt and raise children like heterosexual couples. It is said that this type is the most preferred way for the couples because the woman carrying the pregnancy is usually not related to the newborn. The traditional surrogacy entails the use of a lady who consents to give birth with one of the gays.
This further asserts the desire and determination of homosexual couples to have and raise children. Consequently, adoption will only be one way to grant the wish of the homosexual marriage to own and care for a child they call their own. Additionally, a study carried out in the United States for school going children basing on the common outcome test for child development that included scales for internal and external of behaviors indicated that sexual orientation of the parents did not have any effect on the child’s development. most individuals are eligible for child adoption regardless of their marital status, or sexual orientation. However, according to Golombok et al. the age difference for the person taking a child should be at least 21years. They reported that every year children have suffered from problems associated with nuclear families which included divorces and separation.
Disagreement of their biological parents in some cases has led to the dumping of children. Every person in the communities has a responsibility of taking care of a young generation and having good parental experience will help same-sex couples to participate in taking care of children in society and next generation. Same-sex couples need children to make the family complete. Children play a crucial role in every family because they bring joy to every family. Presence of children in families prevents lonely by providing company and by keeping their parents busy. In addition, children play another vital role in their families where they help their parents in handling domestic chores. This is because divorces and separation cases are rare among couples of the same sex as compared to those involving spouses of opposite gender (Castellanos, 612).
As a result, the families that are made up of same-sex couples are more secure for children because of limited cases of divorce. Therefore children brought up by gays or lesbians experience a more secure family than those in typical families. Under that circumstance, same-sex couples should be allowed to adopt children. In contrast, children raised in same-sex marriage have insisted on facing different challenges. Additionally, it is morally wrong for people to go against the law of nature. Same-sex marriages indicate going against the religious practices of some communities. People of the same sex cannot reproduce when they marry (Gato et al. According to religious teachings, marriage plays a role in procreation and is sacred. Therefore adoption of children by same-sex couples may have a negative impression on the religious societies.
Page 94 Same-sex couples should be allowed to adopt children for them to have a parental experience. Same-sex couples live in the societies which have children whom they always interact with. Every person in the communities has a responsibility of taking care of a young generation. Castellanos, H. Daniel. Ahn, S. Children and adolescents with same-gender parents: A meta-analytic approach in assessing outcomes. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 11(1), 1-34. Source #4 Fedewa et al. Children and adolescents with same-gender parents. Lipkin, Arthur. Understanding homosexuality, changing schools. Routledge, 2018. Authors Name Lipkin, Arthur Title Understanding homosexuality, changing schools Publisher Routledge Edition/ Year 2018. Page 89 Umberson, Debra, et al.
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