Research on Understanding Construction
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:English
The process starts with planning and ends with the final building on the real property. Building and construction management is a continuous process because even after the erection of the building other services are required after construction. Such services include interior constructions, renovations, or even remodeling (Soladoye, n. d. For development to take place, design, financial, and legal requirements must be met by both the property owner and the architect before, during and after construction (Ileveskoski, 2014). Though the projects may vary, most of the steps are standard. These steps include: Planning. Planning involves developing the building plan based on property owner’s specifications, financial analysis for cost estimation (material costs, construction costs, labor, and other miscellaneous costs), and construction team selection. Construction team selection is based on the bidding process, after which the contractor signs a contract.
The contract must include period, guides and exclusions to eliminate claims (Parker, 2016). Concrete foundations are generally used in building structures. However, depending on the type of soil on the property, foundations to be chosen can vary. Soil testing is necessary, to arrive at the best choice. Often, shallow foundations are used for low-rise building while pile foundations are employed for high-rise building. Formworks and reinforcements are necessary depending on the detailed design foundation. The contractor always specifies a warranty period within which any defects or faults in the building can be fixed or replaced without the owner incurring service charges. Besides contractor's flaws, warranty for appliances and materials are issued by the manufacturers and suppliers. Interior Construction Interior construction includes designing interior decorations. It involves designing and construction of the entire living space.
For effective interior constructions, there are seven interior design principles to be considered. Plumbing. This involves the installation of the water supply systems. It involves piping of the water in various rooms especially the kitchen and the washrooms. Other activities include installing kitchen sinks, automatic dishwashing and laundry machines, drainage systems, sewerage systems among others. Installing heating and cooling systems (Air-conditioning). Landscaping focuses on the relationship between people and the environment. Some of the key benefits of landscaping include: Preservation of nature. Apart from aesthetics, landscaping preserves the environment. Calls for the need to preserve the environment makes landscaping necessary in the urban setups as it provides solutions to existing ecological issues. Regeneration of polluted areas. It usually a cost-effect approach too. Air purification. Apart from producing oxygen, plants also absorb air pollutant thereby filtering and cleaning the air.
NASA has researched this approach, and it has proved that plants help in improving outdoor air quality (Krystyna, 2017). Relief from hot weather. The former is cost-effective. The architect schedules maintenance and it is the responsibility of the property owner to see to it that the planned maintenance is carried out. Buildings that are not maintained can eventually collapse which is disastrous for both the owner and the people around. Renovation means restoring and repairing a dilapidated structure (Soladoye, n. d. Conclusion As discussed above designers, engineers, architects, and contractors play a crucial role in the construction, landscaping, and maintenance of structures. Before designing on a building project there is a lot of consideration to be put into considerations to avoid impacting negatively to the community and environment. Property owners need to seek permits before starting any constructions.
Importance of insuring the property was also discussed. Even as people push for a more urbanized environment; they should pay close attention to landscaping to enjoy the benefits it has on the environment. pp. Parkanyi, M. Hajdu, L. Bargcza, Z. and Szirmai, Z. n. d. Maintenance, Renovation and Remodeling of Buildings. The Role of The Architect.
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