Response to an Opinion on Gun Control by Larry Correia

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:English

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In this case, I will get aresponse to Correia’s work, An Opinion on Gun Control, which offers relevant knowledge on gun possession in the United States from times back. Before the response in need to understand who Larry is, as reflected in work (Opinion on Gun Control). He emerged to be one of the known raffle dealers in Utah and United States from time back he has also offered knowledge associated with raffle use and other associated products. Besides owning a gun store, Correia claims that he has been the best weapon and firearm instructor of the time and has engaged in firearm-related discussions within legislature of United States for a long time. Correia emerges to have anunderstanding of the gun since he is known competitor in target shooting.

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The immediate recorded excellent reaction by police is between 3-5 minutes and am sure you understand what it can take a rampage individual to take away more lives. With thedirectopposition, these individuals can only bring fewer injuries. With this, I agree with Correia,but I look at the other perspective of concealed weapons in the school. We cannot say that having the gun is beneficial. Correia argues that parent will never agree for teachers to have concealed weapons in the school in fear of increased shootings within theschool (Armed teacher). Mostly we have individuals, who are targeting schools,and government representstive may address schools to be on their own and thus training teachers and allowing them tocarry concealed arms is no big deal.

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Defenseless innocent individuals surround teachers according to Correia (Armed teacher). It is thus essential for them to acquire apermit to carry concealed arms in schools in response to attacks. Getting more people armed will narrow down kill ratio since they will stand a position to close the gap before the police response to the felony thus reducing the people injured. I imagine of a situation where a criminal gets into a school,but he/she faces around three people armed to oppose. The gunman committed suicide. In China, a Gun Free state, a guy with knife stabled twenty-two children to death with no one responding. Considering these examples, Correia claims that such zones are essential but not in the current state where people react violently.

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In my response to this, I can agree with Correia and say that let gun holders as long as they do not use them in criminal practices get permission to carry them in these areas. Permitting teachers to have guns will narrow down the rampant cases of school shootings. Such steps as public gun permit and teacher's arm are essential in such areas of thetarget. We can concur with the claim that gun free zones are atarget for terrorists,but I surely agree with Correia that the participants in this regions need concealed arms. Everyone work for their safety and so do the teachers and kids in the school. In fully support the issue of teachers getting apermit on guns and even having every school being in possession of a firearm for the sake of their security.

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The existence of gun free zone should remain a fallacy due to the experienced and witnessed cases of mass shooting within the United States. Correia seems inconsiderate of some of the claims made by government officials. Considering the experience and exposure possessed, I might not be able to dissent his claim though I find myself respecting every request and rule presented by the government even when inadequate elucidation in respect to the applicationis absent. I agree the rules are crucial,but you may find it later that the rules will only harm the typical law abiding citizens since criminals can get the firearms from all points of the words or even get them from soldiers. Mass shooters have less worry and fearless of their lives and thus limiting permit to ordinary people will be like killing them indirectly.

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We can look at some of the rules governing mass shooting,and gun control is and how Correia articulates his concern concerning them We need to burn automatic weapons Correia sees this claim as senseless since the rule got enacted back in 1934 by raising prices and high permit on machineguns until 1990 whereby production and possession by individuals got banned wholly. We are having cruel people planning to break into our work areas, our homes and even in the shopping malls. We thus require self-defense arms to use when faced with such situations. Lott John (More Guns, Fewer Crimes) postulates that having more guns in the hands of civilians will reduce the rate of crimes since the criminals face direct oppositions during crime unlike when we wait for the police.

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By considering these claims I wholly support Correia in his claim considering abanon semi-auto weapons which deny civilians possession of guns. The claim is ok. We need to ban magazine over X number of shoots Correia believes that you cannot limit the number of shoots someone will make in the act of self-defense and thus limiting some magazine per shoot can be challenging. It will call for several rounds before you win the shooter. It is therefore essential to have your gun ready for several shots to ensure you deem the ability of the shooter to keep on attacking you. I agree with it because your opponent ‘the shooter’ can attack you brutally when you run out of shoots,and you were attacking them.

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There should thus be no limitation on the number of shots made during crime since self-defense is essential to every person. Some people may fail to solve internal problems and use the rifle to kill their beloved ones as a kind of solution. These actions are limitless,and some cannot find ananswer except withdrawal of arms. In this article Correia points on the act of disposal of guns in the hands of civilians from the point of view that danger surrounds us daily. I agree with the whole article partially though sense surrounds it the information exposed on rifles to the public I can conclude that it can promote criminal activity. It is thus crucial to all people from civilians, media,and even the government to take particular concern over the issue of gun control.

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