School Uniform Rhetorical Analysis

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

Document 1

Over the last decades, many schools have embraced the school uniform as a mode of dressing in American public schools. The primary objectives of this article is to evaluate different policies on school uniform and design implementation proposal. The article is about many public schools in American and the way they upheld policies on school uniform. The article is trying to analyze how institutional programs are effective with school uniform policies. Wilde 32). The main point of this paper is that students need to have school uniforms in learning institutions. A school uniform makes a school better since there learning institutions are very organized. Many public schools that upheld certain dressing code is seen to have some professional ways of conducting learning activities (Fox, Spencer et al 112). The support thesis statement is addressing following issues of school uniforms.

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Cases of bullying in school are reduced when students have same dressing thus increasing the self-esteem of every student. Equally important, school informs helps many parents to save money that they could have used to buy clothes to make their son and daughter look impressive. A school is transformed to be a better place of learning since gaps between rich and poor kids are reduced. Importantly, this reduces distraction in school to enable learning activities. An institution is made to be safer and better place of learning since naughty students cannot come with gang-related outfits. Therefore, school informs reduces violence and crime activities in school thus maintaining school disciplines (Levin & Henry 115). Many criminals will tend to identify them self with certain outfits. With school uniforms, such groups are not effective (Kelly 18).

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Thirdly, learning activities are improved through sharpening focus in serious environments of study. Improved behaviours of students promote the sense of teamwork thus increasing school spirit. Additionally, school uniforms make a learning institution to be a better place of learning since administrators can easily identify outsiders. Uniforms policy ethos in learning institutions is associated with pros and cons. Fundamental values of these factors is developed through different expression on individuality and positive attitude of excelling in academics (Fox, Spencer et al 112). Some pro of wearing cultures in school involves following factors. The first pro is that school uniforms increase student safety while in a learning environment. School uniforms help in distinguishing civilians and students while walking in street. On the other side, pathos factors are expressed based on some cons of school uniforms.

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These cons are presented based on the development of social values and pathos in the social setting (Wilde 32). The first con of wearing school uniform is that it deprives one freedom of expression by restricting students. In most cases, many of these policies are implemented in the constitution amendments and provisions of personal rights (Fox, Spencer et al 112). Secondly, there is increased conformity over individuality understanding and outlook based on pathos. Conclusion In summary, school uniforms policies are implemented in almost every country across the globe. Many learning institutions have publish this requirement especially in the enrollment of new students in school. The US has constitutional policies on school uniforms which are implemented in school programs. Importantly, school uniforms have designed some better learning environment for students using different logos. The value of the school logos is communicated through outfits of students.

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greatschools. org/  Kelly, M. School uniforms pros and cons. Retrieved from;  http://www. healthguidance.

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