Sentencing reforms and correction acts of 2015

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Criminology

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The policies provide for a change in the sentences for prisoners for some specific crimes as well as reduce recidivism, (American Bar Association). It means that with the overpopulated federal prisons, there was a need to create room for big crimes by shortening the sentence of criminals of minor and petty offenses. The application by the bill seems to be geared towards establishing the needed reforms within the criminal justice system and more so helping to address the issue of overcrowding within the federal prisons. Petty crime offenders have been quoted to be overpopulated in the prisons due to serving more sentences on a short term basis and which could have been joined to one sentence through the appropriate mechanism. All these issues have been highlighted forth by the bill and which seeks to have a more effective and efficient criminal justice system when trying and sentencing criminals.

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Lack of direction for the felons especially after coming out of prison will always provoke their past behavior so as to try and provide for their needs probably through committing such crimes like drug trafficking as well as theft, (Kiem, 2015). However, under a properly guided empowerment program, the felons will always be guided on what initiative they can undertake from the skills learned while in prison as well as what undertaking help themselves will keep off the criminal offenses. The initiative will help address the issue of being arrested again for the same form of crime and going through the same process again. It helps reduce this tussle and ensure that the felons get to find a worthy life of living favorably for them and the society in general. The empowerment program helps take care of the society and the offenders as well as criminal justice system.

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There is no section for the policy that pays attention to what impact the felon will have towards the society or what the society will have towards the released felon. In a bigger extent, the society offers to determine and shape the behavior of the felon once out of prison and will contribute greatly towards what the felon will undertake the rest of his days under them. It is from this assessment that I find it necessary for the policy to also include a section that identifies a program that will be deliberately formulated to educate and create awareness to the public on the need for accepting and accommodating the felons back to the society without discrimination of any kind. The program provides to offer and create an environment that will ensure the felon feel part of the society, as well as the society, feel secure away from being terrorized by the felon under their minor issues of crime.

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Under the prospect of the society taking upon themselves to accept the felon back to the society, there are high chances and the possibility for the felon relinquishing the old character and accept to practically behave in a new reformed character and which conforms with the expectations of the society as well as the administration. The provision of this is due to the consistent and continuous reaction of felony offenders towards committing more crimes and having no direction only on prompt prison sentences. The activity of awarding prison sentence to the minor offenders seems t have even offered them with the hardened spirit of focused crime practice other than combating crime in the responsible manner possible or putting to an end the occurrence of these crimes. It has been a failure of the criminal justice system and which is still present even with the presentation of the sentence and correction reform policy.

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The Bill proposes a reduction in a number of years to a minimum of 10-year statutory sentence for offenders of drug possession as well as weapon possession, (CongressGov, 2015). The dimension here provides to contain no solution that will help address the current stalemate of growing crime rate as well as high incarceration levels for offenders. The case here seems to be directly associated with the policy on sentences and correction for minor offenders. The policy has been established under many laws that can be seen to certainly offer a uniform approach and overall mandate of helping to decongest the congested federal prisons. However, measured under this approach, the policy will have to be difficult to implement due to the occurrence of those crimes in different forms and most probably by the same offenders.

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The view under this is the unmanageable laws under one policy makes the implementation of the policy cumbersome and at times deny justice within the provision of the criminal justice system. The formulation of the policy has been inspired greatly by the need to help induct and serve justice to the parties involved and ensure that there is address towards solving the issues associated with that in both short and long term. S. th Congress (2015-2016): Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act of 2015. Retrieved from https://www. congress. gov/bill/114th-congress/senate-bill/2123 Kiem, J. org/commentary/2016/02/nicholas-wooldridge-sentencing-reform/ Welsh, W. December 19). An Important Step Forward: Examining the Impact of the Proposed Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act | NUPR. Retrieved from http://www. nupoliticalreview. Retrieved from https://www. americanbar. org/advocacy/governmental_legislative_work/priorities_policy/criminal_justice_system_improvements/federalsentencingreform/.

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