Should Abortion be Legal or Not

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:English

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Many nations are still in the debate as to whether abortion should be legal or illegal. The basis on which many nations have an issue on legalizing abortion is in line with the ethical, political, religious and moral grounds. Abortion is a very controversial topic in the world today. Many nations are still against it while others have accepted it and legalized the process. In America, the pro-life and the pro-choice supporters have been in misunderstanding due to this topic. With 0. 3% of the abortions from women under the age of 15years; 10. 4% from women between the age of 15-19; 32. 2% from 20-24year old women; 26. 7 from 25-29years old women 17. From the study, some of the reasons why women decide to have an abortion include health issues of the mother; lack of finances to raise the child; rape that resulted to the pregnancy and social problems (Ladock 2018).

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Many women faced with these problems find it difficult to bring a child into the world and decide it is better to abort the child. Abortion should be legalized as it gives a woman the freedom to make the choice of when she is ready to have a child both mentally and financially. Raising a child is a burdensome activity hence a woman needs to prepare herself emotionally, physically, and financially before bringing a child into this world. Moreover, some women go for an abortion because of the health hazards that the pregnancy may result in. To clarify, women with cardiovascular diseases are unable to maintain a successful pregnancy and most of the time the doctors advised them to get rid of the pregnancy.

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Also, some women who are mentally ill are unable to take care of children and thus is better for them to abort. Another reason that could motivate a woman to go for an abortion is if the child is likely to be born with defects that the mother will not be able to handle. For instant, chromosomal defects, some of the children born with such disorders are not accepted by the community and the mother may find it challenging to raise such a baby (Healthwise 2017). Equally, other pregnancies are as a result of rape or incest. Another way is by educating school-going students on some of the measures to undertake to avoid getting pregnant (Ladock 2018). The government should implement sex education in schools as from the survey taken it is evident that most of the abortions are done by students.

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Sex education will assist the students to make wise choices on what they want with their further as many are the time a girl’s education is ruined by early pregnancy. Likewise, the government should also offer free contraceptives to its citizens and educate them on how to use them to avoid pregnancy. The contraceptives should be accurate as some women get pregnant even when under contraceptives. Third, the aftermath of legalizing abortion would be the decrease in population; decrease in population would mean that the workforce in the nation will decrease which would affect the economy, this is because many women would not be willing to give birth and would opt for an abortion. Forth, women with a weak immune system may die or even suffer permanent damage from an abortion (Belvedere 2017).

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