Should Children be Vaccinated

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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Later, an English physician and scientist, Edward Jenner started the trend of immunization, now called “vaccination. ” He used a specific material from the pustules of the cowpox virus and injected them into a young lad to see whether his research and experiments were correct. He claimed that it further immunized the human from infection of smallpox. It was a significant progress in the field of medicine which later lead to further understanding of the spread of infectious diseases. The last century has seen an enormous rise in longevity due to active immunization. Both Fisker and Thysen affirm that vaccinations will protect the young from diseases hence helping them lead a healthy life. They cause the macrophages to identify the microbes and destroy the foreign invader. They work as records show that diseases like malaria, leishmaniasis, cytomegalovirus, Ebola, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, among others, have no licensed vaccine.

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Administering vaccines against them in childhood will not only reduce future medical expenses but also develop resistance and strengthen their immune system. Studies show that the number of cases of diseases drops when a vaccine is licensed as seen for measles in 1962. Finally, vaccines are cost-effective and safe to use for any person. The primary advantage of vaccinations is that it is incredibly cheap and low-priced. Studies show that prevention for a disease is better than curing it. Rabies, poliomyelitis, pertussis eradication programs have proved to be affordable and available to all people. The routine childhood immunization program approximately saves around $13. Studies by (Sanders and Taira) have shown that rotavirus vaccine and MMR vaccine can cause a rare condition like intussusception and autism respectively which are adverse and unexpected reactions. Sometimes it even leads to brain and immune system destruction.

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Guillain-Barre Syndrome, epilepsy and Tourette’s syndrome are grouped as chronic diseases. Hence, it is important to be well-versed with the monitoring, treatment and preventive measures. Symptoms due to vaccines usually go away within one a few days. It makes the body’s innate immunity weak. The body tends to become hypersensitive which is responsible for the increase in allergies and auto-immune diseases. Studies by (Sanders and Taira) show that catching a vaccine-preventable disease often protects the person from the same. It will have some adverse effect, but in this process, the body is developing the resistance on its own which goes into the long-term memory of the cell. To let a person build resistance against disease naturally is not only harmful but is also fatal. It is evident that children should be vaccinated since treatment help in vaccine eradication, provide protection against deadly diseases and are cost-effective and easy to use.

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Vaccines are also are disadvantageous in that they cause some conditions such as autism that is adverse and has unexpected reactions to the body. Even though vaccines have some side-effects, if proper care and preventive measures are taken, these symptoms can be overcome, and in the end, it will reduce the risks of dangerous exposures. Hence the advantages exceed the disadvantages clearly showing that it will be better for children to be vaccinated right since childhood. Work Cited Black, Steven. Song, Geoboo. Understanding Public Perceptions Of Benefits And Risks Of Childhood Vaccinations In The United States. Risk Analysis 34. Uno, Yota et al. Early Exposure To The Combined Measles–Mumps–Rubella Vaccine And Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines And Risk Of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

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