Should college athletes be paid or not

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

Document 1

Majority of college athletes receive a full ride or partial scholarships that results in free education, housing, and meals during the duration of their college athletic career. When a college athlete reaches the professional level of the sport that they are playing, that is the ultimate payment for the sacrifice they made while in college, but most athletes don’t make it play professionally. The question as to why the college athletes should be paid can be viewed on different perspectives; the research will base ideas on facts, policy, and claim of value. My stance on the research, however, remains that athletes should not be paid based on the outlined claims. Division, I and Division II colleges offers close to 2. Football accounts for 1.

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7% while women basket account for 0. 9% and baseball 11. 6%, Soccer 1. 0% and Ice Hockey 1. College athletes receive hundreds of thousands of dollars each year in scholarship money. Some also argue that if college students were paid, they would stay at the schools longer. If college students were paid, who would determine what athlete would get how much, which could potentially cause some animosity between players. Many will say that players sacrifice their bodies to play. College players are being compensated by being offered scholarships, national exposure, and name brand clothing. The first significance claim in the policy view of the athlete’s payment is that athletes should not be paid. The rule is more owing to the factors that might arise when they are engaged in the payment.

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First and foremost, most of them won’t have interest in education because students often attend college education for a better future life. When they attain financial stability at the college level, the athletes are likely to shy away from education and shift all their efforts to the sport which might not be beneficial in the future. Sport is an activity that can be terminated in ones’ life at any moment. Exempting the college athletes from advertisement also helps the entire college in offensive adverts that can drag them to unethical leaving. Hagenbuch (1) highlight that the use of alcohol is not a secret in the university or higher institution of learning. The author highlights that 1 in 4 of the college student’s drinks and the consequences of their drinking is evident in the manner they miss classes, perform poorly in education and an overall fall in grades.

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This happens when the liquor advert is made by the outside parties that have no direct contact with the students. If therefore students are used to advertising alcohol and other substances, their influence can be more luring to the students who ultimately will be engaged in drinking than expected. A dedicated player can serve the team without having to be rewarded for their effort. Therefore as far as the playing value is concerned, college athletes need not be paid to play passionately for their team. I have two major claims that prove that college athletes need not be paid to raise their value in play. First, paying college athletes makes them graduate from amateur to professionals and may thus relax in their play thus lowering their value in the college play.

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Secondly, dedication and offering the best in a learning institution needs no pay; rather it is an expression of the hard work that athlete may opt to reap its benefits in the future. Just like the professional players, the best performing will be highly paid as opposed to the low performers. The discrepancy in payment can lower the passion of others in pursuing the sport. While others will strive to play best to achieve higher payment, the amateur’s particular freshmen will have a feeling of fear and even discrimination from the experts. According to Thelin (3), paying the athletes might make the institutions to miss the balance of dedication to the academic success of the athletes, furthermore, the athletes might lose focus on the education and dedicate their life to sport upon which when not significant improvement is seen, may deem athletes demoralized and lose the value of sport.

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On the contrary, paying college athlete student helps motivate their playing career. The policy keeps the athletes on the check to disengage in financial matters that might ruin their educational and sports success. Lastly, the value attached to the college athletes should not attract payment or should be presented about the payment made to the athletes. Sport is a passion and should drive the bear holder. With such self-drive, there is no need of making payment to drive the success of the athletes; furthermore, payment may strike conflict between the highly and lowly paid, besides lowering the morale of the novel students with the desire of joining sports. Works cited Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem. Accessed 13 Dec 2018. Havervold, Kale. “15 Athletes Born Into Extreme Poverty.

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