Should young children be allowed to play video games

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Technology

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Parents in the modern society have had to deal with the video game craze that their children are involved and engage in, a majority of them have developed a negative attitude towards this issue. This has since developed major debates and speculations on whether children to be allowed to play video games or restrict them from doing so. Many parents have developed a perception that video games are time wasters and may hinder the development of social skills in their children or corrupt their minds and make them misfits in the society. Contrary to popular negative belief, video games have a positive side that may be invisible, ranging from brain development, increased concentration levels in kids, improvement in hands eye coordination and enhanced creativity. In my opinion negative allusions to video games have much way lesser weight when compared to the positive attributes brought about by video games to children.

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For instance, for a player to proceed to a higher level in a game they first have to pass and succeed in a latter step, if they fail they have to do it again till they make it through. In addition they acquire estimation skills, increased concentration levels of children they engage in more complex games. Consequentially, games inculcate a winning mentality in children and give them the courage to take any risks that may be choreographed in the game. In real life these children have the courage and know the rewards of taking risks are the always the greatest. This mentality and culture literally sticks and becomes part of the kids as they grow up and involuntarily apply the skills acquired through video games in their daily routine(Tumbokon, 2018). As children master the video games, their level of confidence and self-esteem increase as well.

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Games begin with easier levels as they move to difficult ones. Being able to complete a level and advance to a next one, gives kids a sense of self-belief as they can do what their peers do or even better than others hence a happier and healthier childhood. There are assertions that video games with violent content in them cause children who play them to have aggression thoughts and promote violent behaviour in them (Anderson & Bushman, 2001). A study by the American Psychological Association found no relationship between video play and actual criminal activities. However, this can be controlled and the addiction issue dealt with by sufficient parental controls. Parental controls can be found on each standard video game; this enables parents to set the most appropriate time for play and also set limited level that they feel would be enough entertainment for their children.

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Video games are a necessity for children of the modern time, and the best thing to do is to accept that they are here to stay and not going anywhere anytime soon. Honestly, they have so many benefits as they contribute to children development by enhancing the growth of their brain, instil valuable skills in children which are applicable in real life and satisfy their psychological needs. All the negative assertions about the video games can be gotten over by appropriate regulations which are in fact readily available.  Violent video game effects Granic, I. Lobel, A. Engels, R. C. The benefits of playing video games. Oxford University Press. Ronald Tumbokon, (2018) raise smart preschool child articles. raisesmartkid. com Yong Zhao ,Michigan state University, East Lansing ,MI 48824, USA…Children and Technology Project(NSF-HSD # 0527064).

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