Snapchat Business Analysis

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Media

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It helps companies to connect with their consumers at a deeper level. Unlike in the past, social media has made it possible for the consumers to interact with the company and to even have their individual questions regarding a brand answered. It is only the smart marketers who are aware of the importance of social media marketing and the impact it can have on their businesses. Today, no company can afford to miss an online presence. It would be suicidal for their business. A significant proportion of businesses have not leveraged proper social media channels, a problem which has been associated with the limited knowledge on the importance of social media in business for entrepreneurial success (Etter et al. This research investigates the importance of social media in business for entrepreneurial success with a particular focus on the contributions of the Snapchat application on the marketing success of small and medium enterprises in the Middle East Purpose of Study This study seeks to make two significant contributions to the existing policy and literature.

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First, the study provides evidence of the contributions of social media, particularly Snapchat, in business for entrepreneurial success through the provision of marketing and business opportunities, networking, communication, and content sharing. The evidence is helpful to policymakers because it will provide the basis for decision making in the Middle East especially in Saudi Arabia Secondly, this research provides necessary background information on the importance of social media use in business. Finally, the study will explain the importance of social media in Saudi Arabian businesses by answering the following research questions: RQ1) How can social media sites such as Snapchat precisely be applied in businesses in Saudi Arabia? RQ2) What are the possible bottlenecks of social media sites like Snapchat in business in Saudi Arabia? RQ3) What are the future expectations of businesses that employ social media in Saudi arabia? Will they flourish as compared to those who do not apply social media? Definition of Major Terms The following is a list of social media terms and jargon that will be referenced throughout this study.

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The study updates an analysis of social media consumption in the Middle East by the use of social networks. Some of these networks include messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and others (El-Awady, 2015, p.  69) The sixth annual report on the State of Social Media in the Middle East notes that in the recent times, one out of three people across the Middle East spends an hour a day online. Corporations have realized these and are doing all necessary measures to reach to this increased internet users’ group. The report notes that companies have started using online advertisements and Snapchat to better their marketing strategies. In a report branded 10 Years Arab Youth Survey, titled A Decade of Hopes and Fears, revealed that the young generation has fully adopted technology and social media at large.

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The study showed that while many people turn to social media for news and relaxation, it can as well be turned to an income generator through such things as marketing adverts and business blogs. The report showed that future Arabian entrepreneurs would be once who embrace social media to the fullest (Askool, 2013, p.  67) Snapchat can be defined as a multimedia messaging application that is in use globally. The application provides a social platform for messaging and social network. Since its introduction, other social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram introduced similar features to counter tough competition. Due to its robust platform and features, the application has remained competitive in the market. Businesses started using the platform to advertise their products especially those products preferred by youths. These include modern clothes, shoes, electronics, and cosmetic products.

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Significant use of social media in business Businesses should turn to social media to ensure maximum reach and coverage. These Ads open before the video plays and viewers can get a first-hand taste of the advertisements. The Ads also targets groups of people that find it difficult to click and play adverts; they are automated. Social media marketing is not a new word. More and more companies are using the social media platforms to market their products. Social media marketing is, therefore, an attempt for companies to use social media to persuade consumers to buy one's products and services. It also provides a platform for the consumers to air their grievances and suggestions. The feedback given by consumers could be positive or negative. Whichever way, the company should take both of them with much night.

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Positive criticism helps a company to understand what they are doing well. Negative criticism, on the other hand, helps them to understand their flaws. Unlike other methods of marketing that are expensive, this method is cost-effective and hence easy to use. These fantastic sites have allowed for the interaction of the consumers at high levels. They share information regarding the best products or worst and make recommendations. An advantage about information sharing among the consumers is that it happens without any form of interruption. Effective use of Snapchat in business Before targeting Snapchat as the ideal tool for business advertisement and promotion, organizations had to ensure that the content advertised fits the platform. Research shows that Snapchat is popularly used by the millennial; that is users aged between 18 and 34 years old.

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While some businesses are quick to grab an opportunity to use Snapchat, others are very reluctant. However, the impact that Snapchat can have in a business cannot be ignored. Snapchat appears to be a bit different compared to the like of Twitter and Facebook. In Facebook and Twitter, one reviewed the profiles of the other to see their activity and choose whether to become their friends or not, with Snapchat, there are no profiles to be reviewed before becoming friends with someone. In Snapchat, the companies do not have to advertise their products in the site. Instead, brands benefit from the different methods offered by the company to market products such as Sponsored Creative Tools and Snap Ads. According to Snapchat, "Our advertising delivery framework is designed to optimize relevance across the entire platform, decreasing the number of wasted impressions and improving the advertising shown to our community (Dresser, n.

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d 87). it reveals an improved system of advertising which is of benefit to the companies. Consumers would like to interact with business and know why they should use a particular product or service form a particular company. Snapchat offers the opportunity for the products or brands to interact emotionally with the consumers. Consumers enjoy when they interact with a brand rather than reading about it. Real-time videos and photos provide an opportunity for this intimacy between the products and the consumers (Boitnott, 2015 pp. Presentation of information in small bits in Snapchat makes it easy for the consumers to remember. The objective of CRM is to improve the relationship with the consumers. Social media has made this possible by providing two-way communication. Today consumers act like partners in a business and not just mere customers.

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The uniqueness of Snapchat and the increase in its user base is pushing companies to be more creative when relating with their consumers’ using this site. Snapchat has an advantage of delivering content that is engaging to the consumers. If that is done then, they will win. Giving a reason for follow a brand, it is common sense that consumers would not just follow a brand or rather be friends with a company on Snapchat for no reason. When a consumer follows a brand on the site, it is because they expect some potential benefits from the same. For this reason, companies need to offer an incentive to keep the audience. An incentive could be financial. This feature has been molded to include images, logos, and some messaging features. Snapchat users can use this feature to decorate their images if they reside from specific locations.

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From this section, it is clear that social media in the Middle East has experienced tremendous changes in the recent past. These changes have been attributed to the increased internet consumption. Across the countries of the Middle East, researches have indicated an increase in the usage of internet in all the ages. J (2016). reasons your business should be on Snapchat. Retrieved from: https://www. forbes. com/sites/ajagrawal/2016/04/05/5-reasons-your-business-should-be on-snapchat/#1515d0563db5 Albinahmed, Z. Boitnott, J. Why Snapchat is becoming a valuable marketing tool (and how to use it). Retrieved from: https://www. inc. com/john-boitnott/why-snapchat-is-becoming-a valuable-marketing-tool-and-how-to-start. d). benefits of Snapchat for business. Retrieved from: https://www. websitemagazine. com/blog/9-benefits-of-snapchat-for-business El-Awady, N. Business & Society, 57(1), 60-97. Flecha Ortiz, J. Corrada, Vega, A. Dones, V. Lopez, E.  Consumption, Media and the Global South, 196-214.

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doi:10. Ištvanić, M. Crnjac Milić, D. Krpić, Z. ijecbs. com/July2011/13. pdf Setyono, A. Alam, M.  J. pdf What is Snapchat? (n. d. Retrieved from https://whatis. snapchat. com/ WhatsApp. n. d. Retrieved November 11, 2018, from https://en. wikivoyage. org/wiki/Middle_East What is Facebook? - Definition from WhatIs.

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