Social Stratification and Social Construction of Hispanics

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Sociology

Document 1

This group of people has a beautiful history of their migration patterns to how they become settlers of the US. As such, the group is of great essence to anyone willing to study social stratification and social construction. Examining social construction is of great significance in that it helps a person to understand better the considerable impact of ethnic identity. This paper presents an in-depth analysis of Hispanic Americans. The paper looks at different aspects related to this group of people including its history of origin, its social stratification in the society, its social construction, and several other aspects related to the group. Social stratification is common to every group of people in the society. The U. S is a good example of places that classifies individuals based on different aspects including wealth, power, and social status.

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The Hispanic Americans consist of a diversified group of people in terms of social status. The Latino Families consists of rich, poor, extended, and families of all social classes (Parrillo & Donoghue, 2005). Consequently, there has been a persistent increase of Latino children in American South schools (Fuller and Aimee, 2015). Research has proven that just like Black Americans, the Latino, as well as Hispanics, faces diverse types of inequality. Firstly, there is inequality in education whereby the white American children feel that they are superior to the rest of the kids because of their communicative styles and other things (Shen, Gai, & Feng, 2016). Moreover, most of the white Americans have their special schools where they take their children. The second form of inequality is experienced in healthcare services and medication. Attending the same schools and hospitals helps these people to avoid discrimination in accessing those services.

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The Hispanics/ Latinos belong to the same ethnic group and they feel much connected when working and doing other things together instead of when they could share services with white or black Americans. ANALYSIS Experience of Hispanics within Education Institutions The significant immigration of Hispanics into the United States exposes them to the disadvantage of education (Hurtado, Carter, & Spuler, 1996). Most of the U. S schools are taught in English language and do not care much about the culture. health institutions, it has been revealed that only less half of the working-age Hispanic population of U. S saw the doctor for the health check-up over the past two years (Bailey et al. This is because of the high cost of medication, transportation costs, and other issues that hinder access to medication by the Hispanics.

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Moreover, language has also proved to be a big barrier to access of health by Hispanics since most of them are unable to express themselves using the English language. As more Hispanic immigrants continue moving into the country, the problem of medication is becoming more severe. Firstly, the government needs to increase accessibility of health services by the Hispanics by building hospitals need their area of residence where they do not need to pay any transport to access medical services. Again, the government should lower cost of medication by the Hispanics as a way of encouraging them to seek medical help. Lastly, the Hispanics should be encouraged to pay health insurance that would help them during treatment of various illnesses. CONCLUSION From the study, I have learned that Hispanics as well as Latinos experiences diverse forms of problems as they try to adopt the new environment in the new environment.

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These include the problem of discrimination and socialization. Linos, N. Bassett, M. T. Structural racism and health inequities in the USA: evidence and interventions.  The Lancet, 389(10077), 1453-1463. lnc3. Furman, R. Negi, N. J. Iwamoto, D. Latino student transition to college: Assessing difficulties and factors in successful college adjustment.  Research in higher education, 37(2), 135-157. Oboler, S. Citizenship and belonging: The construction of US Latino identity today.  Iberoamericana (2001-), 7(25), 115-127.

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