Solidarity among women mad max fury road

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:English

Document 1

However, the woman is regarded highly in society and is in charge of driving a war rig and makes supplies an honor many men do not have in the community. Furiosa organizes an escape with the five women who were sex slaves to the leader and intends to take them to a better place referred to as the green place (Baydar 2015). The green place is often seen as the place of many mothers where Furiosa had grown as a small girl with her mother. Max is a male character who helps the women escape while they are being chased by the warlord who claims the women belong to him. He joins the escape in a precise way because the warlock’s men had captured him and they intended to use him in the chase to bring back the women.

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The anarchy system that is presented in the film suppresses the power of women and looks to use them. In the house of the warlord, there are women tied to pumping machines, and they are used to produce milk like cattle. The scene serves to show the inhumane standard women are being treated to in this era. The women are treated in the lowest standard as primal animals, and they are not regarded as humans. The patriarchal society that the women are in begs for freedom. The action of women shows how collaboration works within an abused society. One woman may not be able to change the way things work in a male-controlled world, but the combination of many women changes the way they are regarded in society.

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Driving the war rig is a substantial responsibility in society; this means that men take orders from Furiosa and obey them. When Furiosa changes the course of their journey the men question her action but she responds with authority, and they agree to follow her. Having such a position in society is a responsibility that women should not take lightly. The women fight Max together and although Furiosa is the only woman with combat knowledge the other women help her. Max takes a turn of victory and almost kills Furiosa and takes away with the rig leaving the women behind. However, the rig stops working, and the women catch up with him. This scene depicts how much cooperation and solidarity means to women.

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The togetherness to eradicate their existence should involve everyone, the victims and the leaders alike. The future is still uncertain but taking the initiative to plan for it should be the goal of every woman. The scene speaks to all women mostly those who have families. The children need a future that they can rely on and freedom they can enjoy. Making the necessary plans for the future is the responsibility of women no matter the circumstance. Women should choose when to collaborate and solidify with partners. Many women have been victims of sex trade and human trafficking in the modern world. Other women are abused sexually, and this is firmly extradited in the film. Women are usually easy prey for people who lack humanity and exploit others for their benefit (Hampshire 2017).

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However, in the film women work together to eradicate inhumane actions against them no matter the race or social positioning. The solidarity is threatened when one female character who is pregnant is involved in an accident, and one of the other wives looks to go back to slavery. When victory is realized the women take on success together while Furiosa is leading them. In conclusion, the women characters in the Mad Max do not undermine each other instead they solidify against a common enemy. They do not give up on each other, but they support and persevere through the fight. In the earlier filming, women would not work together due to male dominance in the casting. However, the times have changed as depicted in the Mad Max fury road where women characters work together towards a common goal.

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