Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Media

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It involved various scientists who came up with various developments to the inventions (Schwartz et al, 2000, p. Televisions have often sparked different opinions from people and have shaped people's culture over the years. The resistance of new innovations is bound to happen due to human nature since they view them as a threat to their cultures and identities. A wide range of technologies has been used to improve the consumer experience. Such technologies include virtual reality, immersion and simulation. Color television began broadcasting in 1953 through a Russian pioneer and plasma television was developed in 1964 by Donald Bitzer. Web television was showcased for the very first time in 1995 where television series were readily available for public access on the internet. Early televisions first appeared in the early 1800s where it mainly involved scanning images mechanically and transmission of these images to a screen.

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The first mechanical television utilized a rotating disc which had holes that had a spiral pattern. It was an invention by two separate scientists known as Baird who was Scottish and Jenkins who was American. Technology determinism also argues that technology determines a lot in the contemporary society but this pattern is for a specific historical period. Society has its technological innovations but has not put forward mechanisms needed to provide social guidance. As households were increasingly gaining access to televisions and being able to subscribe to cable television, there were concerns about how children were being exposed to violence and shows that were adult-themed (Greenfield, 2014, p. By the time a child was leaving elementary school, they had actually witnessed over eight thousand murders on television and over a hundred thousand acts of violence.

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There are no conclusive links associating the witnessing of violence for children and adults with being violent themselves, however, it is a great concern for guardians and parents. Innovations such as those made on televisions are generally accepted though resistance is existent (Heidenreich et al, 2016, p. People oppose technologies since they feel that they will lose identity and power. Loss perceptions could be amplified by factors which include social inequality where people think that benefits will be realized by a few people while risks affect more people. Therefore, resistance is mainly driven by perceptions and not evidence. People fail to accept new innovations in technology in various ways such as delay of adoption, seeking more information on benefits and risks facing the product or opposing it directly. Bill Tancer came up with the term "early adopters" to refer to white, middle class, educated consumers who were mainly targeted by producers in the media since they assisted to identify new trends in the media.

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Technological convergence can make consumers to accept newer technologies. According to some studies, individuals who are computer illiterate are able to embrace video and internet on demand when they can access the technologies in their televisions. Generally, televisions are more familiar and less threatening. Moreover, displays of televisions are large and easy to operate since they are able to access the internet without having to be trained. They include interaction which provides the ability of interaction and communication with an environment which is virtual. They also include speech and gesture recognition. Secondly, the software which interacts with hardware in order to make the virtual environment more realistic and incorporates virtual worlds and artificial intelligence. Finally, perception where various hardware is used in simulating one or more than one of the five senses of human beings in order to bring about sensations that seem real.

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They include auditory, vision, tactile and olfaction. Challenges include health, safety and other technical issues. The long-term impacts of virtual reality are not well known but the users may show disorientation to a completely virtual environment. A financial challenge to market entrants is that they spend huge amounts of money and time on the technology but the customers may not have fully adopted to the technology leading to losses. Moreover, some users have been known to experience addiction to virtual reality where they show traits of dependence to the technology. The headsets have been known to have negative effects on the human body such as headaches, dizziness and nausea. In addition, simulation technologies include the Interactive Digital Television (iDTV) software for simulating transmissions, receptions and executions before being used in a real environment.

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Immersive technology ensures that the simulated and physical world cannot be differentiated easily. Moreover, virtual world is an environment that is simulated by a computer so as to create an experience that seems real. Immersive technology is used to deliver 3D content with great audio systems in televisions. References Ghanbarzadeh, R. Heidenreich, S. Kraemer, T. Innovations—doomed to fail? Investigating strategies to overcome passive innovation resistance. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 33(3), 277-297. Lin, T. Mindsets shape consumer behavior. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 26(1), 127-136. Schatzkin, P. The Boy who Invented Television: A Story of Inspiration, Persistence, and Quiet Passion. TeamCom Books. October). A self-experimentation report about long-term use of fully-immersive technology. In Proceedings of the 2nd ACM symposium on Spatial user interaction (pp. ACM. Uricchio, W.

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