Terrorism technology and social media

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Criminology

Document 1

Using anonymous profiles, terrorists can easily communicate on the time to conduct their activities, the ongoing recruitment procedures and processes and the right targets to conduct their activities (Falode, 2018). The social media platforms allow the sharing of images, video, and news concerning terrorist attacks. The increasing rate of technological improvements in the terrorist networks has brought in the interests to ensure that the concept of technology and terrorism to be extensively studied (Combs, 2017). Various organizations are world widely focused on ensuring that they have more secure technological systems to ensure that all their activities remain private (Falode, 2018). The groups that are likely to be malicious in the technological activities include the Taliban, Boko Haram, and Al-Shabaab groups (Byman, 2014). For example, the Taliban has begun to use drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles, like military strategy (Coyne, 2018).

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Boko Haram uses the internet as the main channel for such as recruiting, funding, and written threat. Furthermore, as they are known as extreme terrorists, bombs or suicide bombers are commonly known as well (Chiluwa, 2017). In addition to using the internet, Al-Shabab’s weapon is social media (Menkhaus, 2014). They use deep webs, which is sophisticated and hard to be tracked. The terrorist was characterized by mingling with the whole population but have hidden weapons that they use to kill the targeted subjects (Combs, 2017). Religious terrorists are normally greatly influenced to a point that they are normally ready to die for the sake of religion. They not only focus on harming the enemies but also die with the enemies in the process. Modern terrorism came in after the Second World War and had been characterized with the ability to use terrorism to gain public popularity or even achieve the various interests of the terrorists including political powers (Combs, 2017).

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During the colonial periods, various groups used terrorism approaches to help them gain their independence. For example, the attack of terrorist by the governments of the United States might be a sufficient trigger for the terrorist to rebel towards the United States citizens (Combs, 2017). Technology has made terrorism even easier as the terrorists find better platforms to conduct their activities without physical involvements. Since there are motives behind terrorist activities, the motives might or might not be achieved. Terrorists tend to stop their activities if they find out that their motives are hard to achieve or when they have achieved their targets. The aim of the terrorists might not be clearly understood but it is important to ensure that their activities are completely blocked. The question of Taliban involvement in international terrorism is debatable.

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However, the evidence that they might be involved in international terrorism is overwhelming. The introduction of the Afghan Taliban movements in 1994 has been characterized by terrorist attacks (Johnson & Shaaker, 2018). The Taliban leaders have been said to have the United States and her friends as its enemy. In ABC news in 2007, An Afghan Taliban army commander had been shown to talk to a group of men with masks that had been believed to have been prepared to get involved in a terror attack against the citizens of the United States (Johnson & Shaaker, 2018). While utilizing terrorism as a tactic, Al-Shabaab tends to use suicide bombers or guerilla warfare. In order to get what they want, kidnapping is one of their major techniques (Muller, 2018). Al-Shabaab was defined as a terrorist organization by the United Kingdom, the United States and the government of Australia.

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The organization began as the Islam courts union and was focused on the federal government of Somali before falling into various small groups (Anderson & McKnight, 2015). Currently, the Al-Shabaab militants are composed of individuals from various ethnic groups and are led by individuals who are of Islamic origins (Combs, 2017). The foreigners engaged in the Al-Shabaab included the Americans who helped in the spread of the propaganda of the needs of the Al-Shabaab’s and the identification as mercenaries for the group. Al-Shabaab is well equipped with individuals from various professional levels to help in ensuring that they attract as more youths as possible into the al-Shabaab movements to ensure that the subjects are convinced that Al-Shabaab helps (Jones, Liepman & Chandler, 2016). The al-Shabaab also spread propaganda that the Muslims have been sidelined in most important decisions in the various governments and it is time that they start a strong Islam struggle to be able to gain victory (Anderson & McKnight, 2015).

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The Al-Shabaab militants were trained and recruited in the mosques before the activities being halted in 2013. Boko Haram Chiluwa (2017) agitated that Boko Haram’s threat, also known as terrorism, is by Nigerian terrorist groups. The Boko Haram has managed to take control of various regions in Nigeria but the government of Nigeria has been firm on the control of the cities in Nigeria (Pham, 2016). The head of the securities in Nigeria suggested that they had managed to displace and destroy a number of Boko Haram settlements with an aim to protect the interests of the country. Boko Haram violence attacks both the civilians and various militants across Nigeria (Pham, 2016). Boko haram consists of both the suicide bombers and the individuals who have been armed to kill the targets whenever a good opportunity presents.

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Boko Haram always tries to control the activities in Nigeria and tend to push to have their own political influence in the region but the efforts have proven to be futile (De Coning, Gelot & Karlsrud, 2016). Communication has been swifter and easier (Foyou, Ngwafu, Santoyo & Ortiz, 2018). Individuals who want to communicate with one another can currently communicate secretly without their crucial information being given to unwanted individuals. It is evident that the majority of individuals involved in the various communication networks have been able to have their information private (Block & Keller, 2015). Various organizations including those that have focused on ensuring that there is improved healthcare systems, would have to ensure that the health services are according to their needs. The Internet has also been introducing to aid in the communication between various groups of people across the world according to their needs at any given time (Block & Keller, 2015).

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High Technology High technology involves the scientific improvements in the field of computers. The computer improvements have enabled various activities of the terrorists and the impacts need to be carefully checked into. The role of high tech in the economy cannot be ignored (Aydalot & Keeble, 2018). High technology does not only ensure economic prowess for businesspersons but also for the terrorists. The high tech uses the internet to allow the connection of various groups of people across the world. The IP address system is used by the foreign security organizations to help track the communications among terrorists and determine the right interventions to help making sure that all the problems that relate to internet terrorism is reduced (Deering & Hinden, 2017). Furthermore, there have been advancements in the technological world in such a way that some of the private information is kept secret from the unwanted persons.

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The deep and dark webs act as the best internet opportunities that allow individuals to be keep their data secrets. Deep Web and Dark Web When most people use the internet to plan for vacations and the activities that they need to undertake over a given period, the terrorist have a glimpse on how to attack them and ensure that their daily activities are ruined (Weimann, 2016). The dark web and the deep web systems provide solution to help in the keeping of secrets in the World Wide Web. The dark web has many secrets and the usage of the web remain anonymous to the users and to the owners (Weimann, 2016). The dark web does not disclose the kind of information that one accesses and is not interested in the identities of the individuals who are using the information.

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Disclosure of the identities of the various users of the web can be said to be carelessness as the information needs to be secret. The dark webs have been noted to be quite beneficial to a group of individuals who have access to crucial information concerning the operation of a given country. The dark web is internet of another level that cannot be accessed by any other person (Chertoff & Simon, 2015). The deep web tends to be more useful compared to the dark web since it hides a lot of information from the unauthorized individuals. Although terrorist might not use the dark web for their communications, the dark web is used to do a number of various illicit businesses due to the hidden identities. The dark web and the deep webs are secretive and can only be easily accessed by the technology savvy.

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The dark web acts as the platforms whereby most drug trafficking activities are done (Gehl, 2016). The sales of illegal identity cards and passports also occur through the dark webs. Terrorist are normally specialized in the hacking systems that allow them to be able to breach into the target’s information. The terrorists are normally involved in the unethical hacking. Computers have become important in the running of the day-to-day business and single computers are not sufficient to run big businesses (Gunkel, 2018). In addition, the information stored in the computers may be lost if the computers breakdown or they are stolen. Therefore, most businesses focus in having the internet to allow storage and transfer of information through the internet. Countries are focused at ensuring that not all the bombs created reach unauthorized persons as they may result to serious deaths.

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Currently, the most powerful bombs include the nuclear and the Atomic bombs (Lou et al 2015). Various countries have been involved in the researches to ensure that they have a well-updated security system to ensure that their political interests are protected. The United States have indicated the impact of the security of the nuclear weapons that they are developing to ensure that they protect their political interests. Consequently, the united States have determined that Russia is developing the deadliest bomb by the name Kanyon. The children bones in the region still come with deformities that are currently associated with the individuals from the China origin. The Plutonium and the uranium atomic bombs appeared to be relatively lethal and managed to kill thousands of people including the unborn babies. The nuclear weapons are said to be more lethal than the atomic bombs and their use is believed to be more destructive.

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Children and women in suiciding bombs Women, especially the expectant women are normally at risk in the suiciding bombs. The expectant women lack the energy to escape in the regions of suicide bombings. The women and children are brainwashed to believe that the suicidal bombing activity is the best that they can do to honor their cultural and religious outlines. Governments need to ensure that they upgrade their security systems and be well updated concerning the techniques on how to act against terrorism activities. Furthermore, governments need to ensure that the border coordination activities remain in the hands of the government officials to ensure that all the required activities are acted upon according to the expected standards. There have been efforts to try to characterize various female suicide bombers. The female suicide bombers are normally of similar age as the males.

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Drones might be expensive for the various terrorist to acquire. Acquisition of some of the drones is believed to have been sponsored by states to commit certain crimes. Using of drones in criminal attacks require fewer individuals to perform but requires extensive trainings to help in ensuring that the targets are accurately executed. Various countries including Pakistan have used drones in their attacks and various countries and terrorist groups have understood how they can effectively use the drones to ensure that all their activities are executed (Scahill, 2017). There have been improvements to make more sophisticated drones to help in wars. As a result, they think that all their needs to be satisfied without having to consider the common morality principles. They tend to attack more when attention is given to them.

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Attention to the terrorists does not only involve the social media sensitization but also involves the activities that relate to attacking the terrorist and ensuring that they are held responsible for their actions. In return, the terrorists conduct more attacks to help them defend their interests and even attack more (Jetter, 2017). For example, the previous terrorist attacks on Ivory Coast attracted the terrorists to Burkina Faso following the various arrest of the suspected terrorists to help in establishing the previously stable security of West Africa. There are a number of reasons why the various terrorist recruitments are quite successful despite the fights of various governments to help reduce the number of youths recruited in the activity. The youths join terrorism because of religious benefits economic benefits and fear that the terrorists may kill them.

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Most established terrorist groups have their routes in third world countries with higher degrees of unemployment (Klein, 2016). The countries with relatively stable militant groups include Somalia and Nigeria. Majority of the recruits indicates that unemployment is the major cause of the rise of the militant groups. The terrorists have good platforms with propaganda to help in creating fear among citizens (Simon, 2016). Through the propaganda, they may create blogs on the schedules that they have concerning their attacks with the aim of creating fear of their potential subjects. Terrorists are believed to have tactical techniques to help them ensure that they create fear in their subjects most of the time that they are engaged in the activities that relate to terrorism. It is believed that the terrorists use armed propaganda and the doctrines to help them create fear.

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The associate with Islam and this has made most people be uncomfortable in the presence of Muslims (Simon, 2016). The terrorists regularly update their tactics and this makes controlling them even more complex and most countries have to ensure that they engage in activities that might make them relevant. Privacy invasion Most targets become weaker when their privacy has been disrupted. The terrorists have developed techniques to help them collect data from their subjects effectively. They use the spy or forceful methods to help them collect private data to help them in blackmailing their subjects (Simon, 2016). Terrorists monitor the behaviors of their targets for a relatively long period before they attack. The cyber-attacks are meant to ensure that the subjects are scared before even physical terrorism is involved. Unlike the physical attacks, cyber-attacks are more sophisticated as it does not require the terrorist and the targets to be close to one another (Kenney, 2015).

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The terrorists ensure that they engage in fear-inducing activities to make the subjects weak and easy to attack in most cases. In the past, most cyber-attacks were carried out by criminal organizations. Today, independent terrorists can do cyber-attacks since a majority of people trust social media platforms with confidential information. The three terror groups are believed to have Islamic origin and strive to teach their targets the Islamic doctrines lest they harm them. The terror groups have a unique strategy of ensuring that their enemies subdue to their demands on most occasions by creating fear, giving them economic remunerations or brainwashing them to work for them. Women and children and the most affected groups during terror attacks since they do not have the energy to fight or flight as compared to men.

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Terrorists prefer using children and women as suicide bombers since the societies consider than to be relatively innocent and they are not subjected to serious inspections making them to easily move from one region to another. The suicide bombers are easy to manage especially if they are women and children, as they require lesser costs to train and there are lower incidences of evidence remaining after the attacks. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 9(3), 536-557. Anzalone, C. The Resilience of al-Shabaab. CTC Sentinel, 9(4), 13. Aydalot, P. Buddies or Burdens? Understanding the Al Qaeda Relationship with Its Affiliate Organizations. Security Studies, 23(3), 431-470. Chertoff, M. Simon, T. The impact of the dark web on internet governance and cyber security. Routledge. De Coning, C. Gelot, L. Karlsrud, J. Eds. Open Political Science, 1, 153-163. FBI. n. d.

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