Texas Motorcycle Helmet Law

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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Hence, comprehensive motorcycle laws should be implemented at all levels as they help in reducing the number of motorcycle-related head injuries, fatalities, and deaths. Various studies have sought to establish the relationship between head injuries and death and the use of helmets as it pertains to motorcycle accidents. Helmets have been found to reduce mortality rates and head injuries from motorcycle crashes by 29% and 40 % respectively. In other words, helmet laws are critical in reducing the severity of traumatic head injuries, which can reduce brain functionality among other disabilities. Helmets are designed to absorb the energy generated from the impact, which means that any cyclist not wearing one during an accident is exposed to severe head damages. Proponents of helmet laws consider safety a critical aspect for all road users.

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However, there are those who advocate for freedom of choice in regards to riding motorcycles. For the opponents of these laws, the choice of whether to use or not to use a helmet is a freedom that should not be denied by any law. Use of helmets by motorcyclists helps reduce fatalities, brain injuries, and death in case of an accident (Hassan et. al. First, the review explains the proponents' side, which supports the Motorcycle Helmet Law. Thereafter, the position of the opponents, those who oppose the existence of such a law, and the basis for the opposition to the law. This side argues for the free will of the motorcyclists to choose whether to put on a helmet while riding a motorcycle.

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A Brief History of the Texas Motorcycle Law The Texas Motorcycle Helmet Law dates as far back as 1968 when the law was first introduced. Since then, the law has changed mostly with the reduction of the age coverage and reinstatement at some points to universal coverage. Proponents of the Texas Motorcycle Helmet Law The proponents of this law argue that since helmets have been proven to reduce the fatality rate resulting from motorcycle accidents, the law should be implemented to reduce such deaths. They argue that helmets use reduces motorcycle-related deaths as a result of head injuries (Branas & Knudson, 2001). Thus, the implementation of such a law helps in reducing deaths among motorcyclists by a considerably significant amount. According to Eltorai et al.

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(2016), a helmet can reduce the possibility of death from a motorcycle accident in a crash by approximately 29%. This is an indication that the helmets when used as required by the law bring down the mortality rate, concussions and physical head bruises emanating from motorcycle related accidents. Even though there might be other related injuries to motorcycle accidents, reducing the head related injuries is a significant achievement. Those against the Texas Motorcycle Helmet Law Throughout the history of this controversy, those against the helmet laws have cited the motorcyclists' rights as their basis for opposing the laws. They have often agreed with the facts that helmets help reduce the head related motorcycle accident deaths. However, they have always opposed the comprehensive application of the laws.

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In as much as people's rights and freedoms should be respected, the protection of human life is essential. Hence, comprehensive motorcycle laws should be implemented at all levels as they help in reducing the number of motorcycle-related head injuries, fatalities, and deaths. Body Helmets have proven to reduce the rates of a fatality resulting from motorcycle accidents. Proponents of the Texas motorcycle helmet law strongly support the law, as they believe it provides protection to a motorcyclist’s head during an accident (Branas & Knudson, 2001). Studies have shown that the use of helmets by motorcyclists reduce the chances of death by approximately 29% (Eltorai et. Helmets provide safety through absorbing a large percentage of the impact in the event of an accident. Helmets are designed with a hard outer cover and soft padding on the inside of the helmet.

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The hard outer cover deforms on impact to absorb the energy generated from the impact, while the soft padding on the inside of the helmet provided a cushion to the force that is generated from the impact during an accident. The two design elements work together to protect a motorcyclists head in the event of an accident. Accidents at low speeds still require the use of a helmet. Helmet law can reduce the mortality and morbidity rates accruing from motorcycle related head injuries, which saves the state costs associated with such accidents. Despite these allegations, there exists the need to conduct further quality research to address the issue of whether helmets are vital in protecting motorcyclists form facial and head injuries including what should be done to address injuries sustained in other parts of the body such as arms, legs, and the neck.

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