The Debate on the Global Warming
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:English
The industrial revolution, which happened in Europe and the United states during the 20th century, is largely blamed for the emission of carbon gases. Therefore, the western civilization has been termed as the dark horse of the Mother Nature. The scientific literature and environmental activists have warned that, unless an urgent solution is implemented, the earth would come into extinction. One of the cities that face major environmental consequences is the Washington DC. This is according to the Climate central, a research and advocacy group which examines the extent of the effects of global warming in the world. The observations led to the research to determine whether the increase exceeds the normal climatic patterns and if the changes can be attributed to human activities. Through joints efforts, scientists have resolved all these questions and concluded that the trends associated with global warming are ongoing and human activities have significantly contributed to the worsen of the situation.
Researchers have also estimated that the effects on global warming have been on the upward trend for around 2000 years. Public debates concerning the effects of greenhouse gases have been lately taking the scientific angle with many people joining the debate. However, the public opinion is mostly narrowing down to the consequences of global warming albeit with no concrete scientific backing. The source of funding for the entities undertaking environmental impact studies has also been questioned. For instance, institutions that tend support the claims about global warming are said to be funded by environmental protection agencies. In the contrary, those challenging the evidence against the effects of global warning are believed to be receiving the support from mega manufacturing firms. There are efforts to establish best science policy responses to curb manipulations.
Environmentalists are developing procedures for instituting environmental researches to reflect the cost-effective mechanisms in relevance to the purpose and the urgency of the research. Hansen’s sentiments were taken very seriously and generated heated debates across the country. Since there was extreme hot weather during this period, fears started to hit Americans followed by speculations. The scientific literature regarding the global warming was so minimal and people depended on misconceptions and hearsay to spread the fears. The government would then embark on civic education to the people about the causes and the effects of climate change. Although much information was distorted, it encouraged Americans to go out and look for more information concerning the controversial topic. Following the public pressure across Europe, the European countries embarked on spirited campaign to reduce greenhouse emissions during the 1990s.
West Germany was among the first nations to respond to consequences caused by the warming. The initiative started in 1980s when the Green Party won the majority of the Parliamentary seats. All the countries in the European Union block ratified the Kyoto Protocol of 1997. The Non-Governmental Organizations in Europe are also credited with steering substantial measures to protect the environment. According to a study commissioned in 2010, a huge number of tiny algae species that accounts for over a half of the earth’s total photosynthetic biomass, have significantly reduced from the oceans compared to the past century. It is estimated that algal biomass has reduced by 40% from 2050 (Wu, Donghai, et al 3520). The reduction of photosynthetic species has been attributed to the ocean warming. Therefore, Anthropocene is regarded as the major cause of the reduction of the natural earth specifies.
Increase in the rates of extinction on earth has been witnessed from the past 1500 years. The scientists have hinted that there are high possibilities of the catastrophe happening in this century. Washington DC is one of the cities earmarked for the possible phenomenon. Climatic Central, one of the research and advocacy groups in the United States conducted an aerial survey of the city and later demonstrated how the extent of the damage would look like. This scenario has been certified as the ‘highly’ unlikely but ‘possible’. The scientists fear that the rapid disintegration of the Antarctica ice could cause a gradual rise of the sea levels causing the flooding of water to the nearby cities and landmarks. However, one thing that is standing out is that the Antropocene has led to the extinction of some delicate earth species as well as the gradual disintegration of the Antarctica ice.
While the industry players are fighting to protect their industries, conservationists are developing new strategies to curb the effects of the global warming. The Anthropocene is regarded as a major threat to the ecosystem and thus it should be tamed before it is too late. Works Cited Chakrabarty, Dipesh. The politics of climate change is more than the politics of capitalism. Robinson, Melia. Tech: What Could Happen To Washington, DC If The Worst Climate Change Predictions Come True". Pulselive. Co. Ke, 2018, http://www. Time‐lag effects of global vegetation responses to climate change. Global change biology 21. Zehr, Stephen C. Public representations of scientific uncertainty about global climate change. Public Understanding of Science (2016).
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