Some scholars substitute climate change with global warming to mean the same thing. This paper, however, examines the best means likely to deal with the climate change. Here it discusses two way, mitigation, and adaptation. Mitigation involves curbing the effects of climate change by cutting the atmospheric exposure to greenhouse gases. Adaptation, on the other hand, entails learning how to coup with the underlying climate change situation. Therefore, the integration of an array of options from the mitigation and adaptation measures can be results for a successful address to climate change. To link both measures is not a process that needs to be done haphazardly without expertise. It is a holistic approach, which employs experiential knowledge amassed from the impeccable policies as well as adaptation with some different objectives from the society.
Nevertheless, the laid down mitigation and adaptation measures to curb climate change accrues massive costs. However, the costs of sitting down and doing nothing especially concerning climate change are even more severe (Gunster 136). Climate change attracts essential effects such as food insecurity, extreme weather patterns, as well as rising sea levels. Adaptation thus is the ability to accept and in the same spirit come up with positive means to utilize in curbing climate change (Bellard et al. Such measures can range from prolonged seasons of in growing or elevating the quantity of yields coming from specific places. The major climate change challenge today emanate from the inability by a vast proportion of the world’s population to adjust well to climate change. Nonetheless, adaptation has two critical ways of adapting; the first way inclines towards the formulation of government policies.
Some of the elements include the health status, disability, gender, race, education, and wealth (Bellard et al. The exposure and vulnerability also vary across the globe in such instance as environmental, governance, institutional, cultural, demographic, geographic, social, and economic factors. The rate of Climate Variations: indicates the levels that the climate change has been scaling from time to time. Climate change is evident throughout the earth’s history. The modern climate era begins slightly 7,000 years ago when the end of the last ice age approaches. marks the warmest year in history with 8 of its 12 months recording increased warmth. The oceans are also responding to the climate warming with a recorded increase of 700 meters top. The mass of the ice sheets, on the other hand, is decreasing with time. All over the world glaciers are retreating.
Observing the glaciers from Greenland, a few cubic kilometers previously covered by a glacier is now covered by water. The excellent step is to accept that climate change is here and to forge the next move to either curb or reduce its existence and impacts. Global warming is a global effect and the earlier that all states realize this, the better. Luckily, there have been efforts by the majority of states with the aim of curbing the effects of global warming. The efforts are not enough. There is still a room for all the countries to come on board and contribute both financially as well as in the formulation and implementation of workable policies. Gunster, Shane. quot; This changes everything: Capitalism vs. the climate. quot; (2017): 136-138. Bellard, Céline, et al.
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