The effects of parents divorce on their children

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Sociology

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While there are dissimilarities in the experience of each story, this paper will combine the similarities into two themes -- their feelings being a child from a single parent family versus their interpretation after they grow up. Existing research provides relatively little insight into these and other issues related to the experience of adult children of divorce. Therefore, this study used a qualitative approach in order to develop a deeper and richer understanding as to what is the experience of adult children of divorce. By using qualitative inquiry, researchers in this study sought to allow adult children of divorce to have their voice heard and to define their experience in their own words. This qualitative research focuses on the information collected blogs and it remains fundamental to making a comprehensive analysis of the issues affecting children in contemporary society.

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According to my coding, most bloggers did not mention much about why their parents divorced. It could be that they did not know the driven reason for their parent’s divorce nor they did not want to disclosure. Brittany (2016) mentioned that her parents “both agreed they didn't want to be married anymore”. Mitchell (2011) does not know why her parents separated because her parents have been happy and supportive partners who barely argued. So, it is shock news for her when she heard that her beloved parents were divorcing. The expanding commonness of divorce has turned into a noteworthy worry for social researchers. This examination endeavored to figure out what implications this pattern may have in regards to trust for grown-up offspring of separation.

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The precipitating reasons for divorce have additionally changed after some time. Before no-blame divorce laws, the lawful systems for acquiring a divorce were frequently troublesome and costly, with the goal that just the most broken relational unions finished in divorce. Youngsters who are expelled from the most useless situations are bound to improve after the divorce. I learned to love the process, and how to appreciate the changes I have made. Most importantly, I learned how to love the person that I am. When the bloggers were suffering from negative emotions, they are only focused on their thoughts, so their minds are narrowed. For example, they will only blame and feel anger. Anastasia claimed that “(my parents' divorce) woke me up to the disaster that is patriarchy which benefits no one and makes the whole family suffer” (Brittany, 2016).

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Parenting children across two homes is a common situation for children whose parents who live apart. Ethan (2017) also expressed his loneliness when he “decided that choosing to be alone was better than being with people that made you feel alone”. Although the bloggers are surrounded by other people, they do not feel belonging and the sense of a loving home. “I hate being stuck in the middle of two sides, trapped in the center of the conflict, with no place to turn. I’m not on one side and I’m not on the other—I’m just lost in the middle” (“Torn by My Parents’ Divorce”, 2012). Theme 3: From "the Minority at School" to Respect the Difference of Each Families" Young people live and learn in two worlds – home and school.

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The belief of ‘children whose parents divorced are the minority group at school and community’ is one of the shocking and unfavorable themes that emerged in my data – this concept is reflected in Mitchell’s (2011) blog. She stated that “unexpectedly, I was now the minority at school because the majority of my peers had both parents in a relationship still. The divorce seemed to changed Mitchell's whole life in a second. "A minority group" is usually considered as a group of people who experience relative disadvantage as compared to members of a dominant social group. It is a “normal/ common” thing for people to divorce, because “sometimes, the best way of fixing something is by taking it apart and starting anew” (“Torn by My Parents’ Divorce”, 2012).

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Everyone is unique as well as every family. Conclusion The choice to end a relationship can be awful, riotous, and loaded up with opposing feelings. There are likewise explicit sentiments, frames of mind, and elements related with whether one is in the position of the initiator or the recipient of the choice to separation. Due to the divorce of my parents, I was expecting to resonate my cold feelings with the narrators. My Parents Divorced When I Was 2. This Is Why I'm Grateful They Did. HuffPost US. Retrieved from https://www. huffingtonpost. com/news/2286832-181/teen-essay-surviving-divorce-of?sba=AAS Smith, Leigh-ann. After My Parents Divorced, My Childhood Was No Longer Mine. It Belonged to them. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from https://www.

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