The Future of Humans and Artificial Intelligence

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Technology

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Some of the technology experts and researchers have argued that artificial intelligence can transform the world general outlook. However, others have argued that intelligence (IA) systems will lead to the future of humans inevitable downfall. According to Illing, "Disagreement about the appropriate level of concern, and even the nature of the problem is broad. Some experts consider AI an urgent danger; many more believe the fears are either exaggerated or misplaced". Furthermore, technology experts and researchers agree that artificial intelligence can change the world. According to Pinker a psychology professor at Harvard University, “We should worry about climate change, nuclear weapons, antibiotic-resistant pathogens, and reactionary and neo-fascist political movements. We should worry about the displacement of workers in an automating economy. We should not worry about artificial intelligence enslaving us”, (qtd in, Illing).

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In other, words this means, artificial intelligence is a non-issue that human race should not worry about when there are more immediate and demanding issues affecting the human race. Some scientists have reasoned that worrying about artificial intelligence at this early stages is like worrying about something in a dream. Healthcare is fundamental and basic right of living a healthy life. Thus, cooperating artificial intelligence in healthcare is essential. In China, Artificial intelligence uses algorithms to identify and read X-ray images of patients. Additionally, the AI can identify lung cancer early signs hence helpful. Besides, internet security is becoming more complicated with numerous hackers hovering all over the internet causing insecurity. However, is it that simple? No. Several researchers have disagreed and argued differently. They seem to reason that artificial intelligence will be dangerous to humanity and the society as a whole if under-estimated.

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“The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race”, according to Prof Stephen Hawking a pre-eminent scientist in Britain (qtd in Cellan-Jones). The professor argues, "It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever-increasing rate". A technology that has the authority to influence our lives in numerous of aspects of life is one that is need of care in form of policies. Therefore, it requires the best way to make use of it and the best approaches to constraining it. In addition, according to Martonosi, “It would be foolish to ignore the dangers of AI entirely”, (qtd in Illing). Moreover, Artificial intelligence will help in solving societal problems but, “We can’t afford to look to this future with uncritical eyes”, (Smith).

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Some researchers have reasoned that Artificial intelligence is like any other super-powerful technology thus, should be looked at on both sides of the matter. Moreover, humanities and social sciences will be more important as computers take human behavior. Thus, for AI to serve its purpose effectively it will need to be integrated into art, economics, languages, ethics, history, psychology, human development and philosophy courses to teach critical ethic-based skills that will be essential in deployment and management of AI (Smith). In conclusion, predicting future is a serious and delicate game. We can depend on our predictions of what we possess but is also impossible to decree anything out. We do not know whether artificial intelligence will usher in humankind golden age of existence or it will ruin everything that human beings have built over the years.

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Cellan-Jones, Rory. Hawking: AI Could End Human Race. BBC News, 2 Dec.  2014, www. bbc. Vox, 8 Mar.  2017, www. vox. com/conversations/2017/3/8/14712286/artificial-intelligence-science-technology-robots-singularity-automation. Smith, Brad.

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