The Impact of Media Violence on the Psychology and Behavior of Children
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:English
Throughout the past three decades, researchers have extensively conducted research to examine the various risk factors for the increasing incidences of violence. Most studies indicate that the causes of violence among children are multifactorial in that they do not only comprise factors related to substance use, psychiatric conditions, poverty or exposure to domestic violence, but also extreme exposure of young children to media violence. For this reason, it is of essence to recognize the role violent media plays in the psychology and behavior of children. While investigating this issue, obstacles often arise as to what kinds of media violence greatly impact on children’s aggressive behavior. However, most studies have proven that video games seem to contribute greatly towards aggressive behavior among children significantly. Similar to post-traumatic stress disorder, while viewing violent programs, children undergo chemical changes in their brain.
Thus the mind responds in a manner that the individual watching has been abused (Silvern, Steven and Peter Williamson p. This attribute unfolds in cases where the violence in media is one-sided, such as sadistic violence. Conversely, given that children are still undergoing brain development, experience with violent media adversely affects their future behavior. In brief, children characterized by behavioral, emotional as well as learning or impulse control disorders are more vulnerable to be affected by media violence. Ultimately, this view of danger, coupled with the absence of sympathy, leads to sadistic behavior, thus making kids more appalling of social relationships. Likewise, children who have an extreme exposure to media violence become argumentative because they have allotted to the slow restraint of inhibitors. Such kids are therefore more probable to be bullied because they appear to be more impatient than their counterparts.
Huesmann, Rowell, et al. affirm that, children who get too much exposure to violence on various media seem to be less cooperative, thus often exhibit a strong sense of entitlement than their colleagues (Huesmann, L. Consequently, as (Anderson, Craig and Wayne Warburton suggest, such aggressive feelings and behaviors become part of the child’s usual interior state, thus increasing the likelihood that later societal encounters will be inferred in a violent -biased way (Anderson, Craig and Wayne Warburton p. In the long run, these encounters culminate in violent practices throughout the person’s life. The Academy of Pediatrics highlights that exposing children to media violence desensitizes them to aggression, thus changing their perception of the world around them. An encounter with violent media negatively affects the psychology of kids by making them recognize that violence is acceptable behavior.
When this perception is deeply rooted in the children’s mind, it often creates obstacles in altering these thoughts in their future life. Similarly, other video game manufacturers establish their evaluation system for violent content to assist parents monitoring their children’s leisure time. “The age at which children begin playing video games indicates that they may not have relatively developed the capability to differentiate between content that is real from what is not” (Anderson, Craig and Wayne Warburton p. In this regards, media violence can instigate young kids to practice the type of aggression they have experienced in movies or video games; uncertain that their actions are inappropriate or wrong. Nonetheless, considering factors that cause aggressive behavior in children, studies have revealed that violent forms of media are not solely the reason for children perpetrating violent actions.
Parents’ involvement and family interactions regarding the content children watch or get exposure to also play a critical role in influencing children’s behaviors or the value systems they will uphold in future. This is because priming, excitation and desensitization are irreversible and universal. As much as the catharsis principle disputes the affirmation that violent content in video games or movies promotes aggression in children behavior, most researchers have proven that in the long run, kids’ emotions are affected by violence in media. The catharsis theory proposes that the emotional force induced by video games with violence significantly decreases the probability of children ideally displaying aggressive behavior (Kronenberger, William et al p. Besides, the kid’s fantasy and imagined engagements from playing the video games only cause the kid to develop minimal impulses towards emulating aggression actions in reality.
Contrary to catharsis theorists, McLean, Lavinia, and Mark Griffiths assert that, constant contacts with psychologically triggering forms of media culminate in the acclimatization of specific natural emotional responses- desensitization. Considerably, if a child becomes irritated towards acting violently, arousal increases as well. Children exposed to more sensitive TV programs may end up developing behavioral issues. For instance, when it comes to programs such as professional wrestling, problems may arise as to the extent of which children are vulnerable to the campaigns carried out by this industry, and to what effect does consume of the industry’s products have on children (CBS News p. Research shows that to some extent, pro wrestling industry fulfills the initial criteria for unethical targeting since it aims at children, who are constitute a ‘vulnerable segment. ’ Similarly, The Sports Journal, refers to “consumers especially susceptible to economic, physical, or psychological harm because of characteristics that limit their ability to maximize their utility and well-being.
As a result, it is crucial for parents to ensure that children are less exposed to such media by replacing television time with physical and creative practices, reading, as well as playing games that have educational content and positive values. Although it is not clear whether reducing exposure to media violence will reduce violence and aggression, coming up with parental-mediation and counter attitudinal interventions in addition to media literacy interventions is likely to yield positive results. In so doing, the challenge of offering children a healthier media diet may become less complicated and inexpensive mainly if the entertainment community and public policy educate the general public regarding the real risks involved with media-violence exposure to children. Such education will be necessary given that people have had different views regarding whether media affects an individual’s level of violence and aggression.
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