The language of internet memes

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Religion

Document 1

However, it does not offer security making it vulnerable to exploitation. Based on security value, there is restricted and unrestricted web. Restricted web such as Facebook and Google values security more than creativity whereas the unrestricted web values creativity over security. Richard Dawkins proposed that a human being’s behavior is determined by culture and not genetics. According to Dawkin, any behavior that is non-genetic is a meme (Davison, 2012). Traditional memes are Emoticon and Hamster Dance. Emoticon characters may be handwritten, printed or displayed on screen for use as pseudo-pictograms to transmit information as either jokes, serious, negative or positive. On the other hand, the Hamster dance is made up of animated hamster gifs dancing to a distorted audio loop basically to entertain.

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