The Role of Women
Other novels penned by her include A history of England and love and friendship. The Wantons was written and published in 1816 when she was battling with an incurable disease. She later succumbed to her illness in 1817. For a long time, Jane Austen’s books were unknown. They were referred to as written by a lady. It is clearly visible how a young lady finds love in a rich husband. Legitimization of this also gratifies the need for submission. This has an overall effect whereby conservative myths are validated leading to happiness, happiness that was early prohibited or limited by the society. The wisdom of certain societal practices are challenged without necessarily damaging their prestigious effect on the community. Charlotte Lucas shows her strength in running her family by implementing her tailored marital strategy.
Since her birth, her beauty has been unquestionable. Every time she passed, necks would creak to have a glimpse of this beauty. She knew she was beautiful but the society would not allow her to express her feelings. In such cases, others are required to speak on their behalf. This is why we see Jane taking up on this issue with Elizabeth. Jane further adds that a woman should possess something more such as her walking mannerism, expression and voice tone. She was, however, not allowed not get higher education. Education was only meant to make her reliable but not dependable. The role of women in the current society has changed drastically as compared to the time when the novel was authored. Currently, women are independent and their voices are heard in almost if not all avenues.
When Lydia expressed her concern of Wickham’s unending love for booze, Kitty claimed that this was not his fault but rather due to the time he spent in countries where wine was the order of the day. George’s dissolute lifestyle was widely known in that town. However, Kitty always found a plausible excuse to rubbish such claims. On the other hand, her parents were concerned about the family name that they saw it fit for Lydia to stay in a loveless marriage rather than remained unmarried. What is marriage if there is no love, what is marriage if one cannot bear with the partner? This clearly shows how the society had brainwashed women o that time. Mrs. Bennet saw material wealth as a matter of importance rather than life.
Whatever mattered to her is the ability of a husband to sustain his wife’s lavish lifestyle. Material wealth to her was a measure of love. A lady’s education was restricted since her career path was limited. She lived with her parents. Before she got married, Lydia stayed with their relatives when she was far from their parent’s house. Lydia stayed with Mrs. Forster when she went visiting in Brighton. When she elopes with Wickham, she is forced to marry. Austen encourages women to break themselves away from the shackles of ethical norms. This is possible by being knowledgeable. She says, ‘If we don’t know ourselves, we don’t know our world’ (141). This is a letter written by Darcy to Elizabeth. This has unprecedented change in Elisabeth’s life.
Her eyes were not set on financial or wealth bliss. However, her marriage was full of misunderstandings. As compared to Lucas, who married due to finances, a lot of queries are raised. Should women get into the ocean of marriage just to satisfy their quench for wealth or should they marry for love? Austen’s novel is a good reflection of how far feminism movement has covered. Even though there is still a lot of land to trod, there is definitely something to smile about when the past is compared with the present.
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