The Shape of Water analysis

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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Her life changes when she discovered the Amazonian Amphibian man inside a confined water tank. Thus, Elisa develops a unique relationship with her new friend. However, Elisa only friends are her neighbor, Giles, an aging artist, and her co-worker, Zelda. Everything looks normal, but they are not. Giles is a gay, and Zelda is a black woman. In the process of cleaning Elisa develops interest in the creature in the lab and sneaks into the lab to feed him with all goodies, impacting the knowledge of sign language to him until a time when he she decides to free the creature with her two friends Zelda and Giles and their life becomes very different afterwards. The time sets during the Cold world of 1960s is raging between the United States and Russia.

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Some unfair incidences happen in authority and hierarchy. However, having a group try to resist the power, but those people are the lowest class and outsider in society like disabled, women, ethnic minorities and homosexual. They desire their aspirations can be heard, they wish that they can be understand. How does the marginalized find power in silence? The film, the shape of water is a unique and enticing work that brings out a bright and vivid message of how the voiceless individuals in the society find their strengths and power to rise above the silence. Also, how they join up together and unify to act against those that suppress their freedom of expression to make an impact in the society. Elisa sarcastically bonds with the human-amphibian creature, and both founded a strong relationship based on love.

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The two have been used in the film to present loneliness and how they used to love to help them stand out and raise their voice against the hostile Colonel Richard (Adji and Azis, 2018). Primarily, the film “the shape of water” is not subtle in the way matters of diversity and equality are presented, the liberal politics , its concern for the marginalized, oppressed and discriminated without providing a solution to their grief, criticism for administrative powers and people who support many kind of inhumanly acts and abuse in silence (Haddu et al. Elisa and the monster developed a common language from which they would communicate to air out their feelings to promote themselves and raise their self- worth. The strong connection between them is critical in raising their courage and boldness to help each other in times of needs.

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The unity of the suppressed importantly signals that despite the barriers set against our success we should courageously keep fighting for that which belongs to us. Also, using our ability to communicate and connect with others as a tool for rising beyond the imaginary barriers. Therefore, with a sound mind, great teamwork and likeminded individuals, oppression and silence cannot win at the expense of power (Mucci, 2018). From the film “the shape of water”, it is clear that it is worth taking a risk and to break habitual patterns though they do not have to necessarily bring out the desired results (Derry,2017). Works cited Adji, Alberta Natasia, and Azis Bilbargoya. Psychological Condition of Richard Strickland in The Shape of Water.  Madah: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra 9. Derry, Ken. THE SHAPE OF WATER.  Film Comment53.

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Mucci, Josh. The Shape of Color: A Comparison of the Use of Colors in Guillermo Del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth and The Shape of Water.

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