The united states healthcare crisis
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:English
Currently, most Americans acknowledge that there is a disaster in health care delivery, and something should be done to bring the system in order. The elderly and the disabled suffer the most from the bad system because they are the groups mainly relying on the system. Many American citizens use more than half of their annual income in medical bills, with several others not having any health care insurance. There is a need for health practitioners, individuals, governmental and organizations to combine efforts in preventing the healthcare crisis. The Problem The Healthcare system in America is characterized by ever-increasing costs and threatening coverage for millions of citizens. Notably, this was not the first time a leader was worried about the medical care crisis. According to Theodore Roosevelt, health insurance was essential for all citizens, because no nation can be economically stable with sick citizens who cannot access medical care.
Nonetheless, Theodore did not implement any health care strategy while in office (Understanding the US Healthcare System). Franklin Roosevelt was also very concerned about the general health insurance strategy, and he contemplated including it in the 1935 Social Security Act (Williams 2). However, eventually, Franklin did not include the insurance program in the act because he was afraid that it would make the security Act to fail. The Act required all citizens to have health insurance, else be subjected to a tax penalty ("Understanding the US Healthcare System). Moreover, the Obamacare Act helped more citizens benefit from federal health insurance. In 2018, President Trump's government sanctioned that the current medical care system is unsustainable, and needs to be changed. Argument According to a survey conducted by a new Gallup poll, seventy percent of Americans agree that the medical care system is in crisis making it an issue of great concern (Sherman).
For the past twenty-five years, the problem has been relatively constant, with the most significant issue being the escalation in prices. It was followed by Obamacare which had the support of fifty-four percent Americans (Pearl). However, on several occasions, President Trump has consistently asked Congress to repeal and replace the affordable care act bill (Griffin). The president has withdrawn funding for creating awareness of Obamacare. Notably, this could be a political move because it is amongst the most renowned things that President Obama is known for in the parliament. The president is supporting a project called the "skinny plan" which will trade less cost for limited coverage. However, this case ends up flooding the emergency rooms which minimizes the efficiency of the system. Some children suffer from the American health crisis.
The government provides free medical cover for children whose parents live below the poverty level. However, the system does not cater for poor parents whom despite living above the poverty line, they still cannot afford health insurance coverage. Therefore, such parents can opt not to take children suffering from recurrent ear infections or other ailments that they consider minor to the hospital. In the healthcare system, Americans can be encouraged to utilize consumer technology for treatment, training and evaluation of their medical conditions rather than relying entirely on doctors. Use of personal health tools like Apple Watch's new electrocardiogram device which can administer food and medicine, Livongo's diabetes meter, Omron's wireless monitor for measuring and monitoring blood pressure can help solve the health crisis (Shapiro). Notably, the technology is cheaper and more accurate than relying on medical practitioners.
Similarly, the devices can help doctors make better medical diagnoses. Encouraging patients to utilize networks like "Doctors on Demand," which is a national medical care platform that gives video telemedicine communications with high quality between the doctors and patients (Shapiro). The increase of professionals can be achieved by changing requirements on immigrant physicians and lowering tuition fee for courses like nursing. The government should come up with strict measures to mitigate the embezzlement of funds allocated for medical care. For instance, any person involved in a fraud of illegal supply should be penalized in court, and the suppliers should be paid based on the outcome of their products or services, to avoid paying people who do not contribute positively to the medical field. Additionally, there should be standardization of procedures used by health care providers to prevent clinical waste.
Moreover, administrative complexity can be avoided by using more straightforward billing and collection systems. How Insurance Companies Changed Obama's Healthcare Reform Plan". The Balance, 2019, https://www. thebalance. com/obama-s-health-care-reform-plan-3305753. Millenson, Michael. Com, 2018, https://www. forbes. com/sites/robertpearl/2018/12/17/5-healthcare-stories-2018/#2be545e62319. Shafrin, Jason. The Collapsing U. Sherman, Erik. Com". Fortune, 2019, http://fortune. com/2019/01/15/health-care-problems-poll/. Williams, Frank J. Hempel Digital Health Network, 2018, https://www. dr-hempel-network. com/health-policies-in-india/current-state-of-us-healthcare-system/. Understanding the US Healthcare System | How Did We Get Here?". Dr.
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