Theory of Knowledge

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:English

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My opinion was sought and without a doubt I chimed in and supported the originator of the story. After this however I sat down and begun to wonder what it was I was advocating for. I was talking about the actual singer Shakira while my friend was talking about another Shakira who had auditioned for the show America’s Got Talent but guess what they still believed me. You would expect that with all the knowledge in the world that one would be sure of themselves. I mean after all they have all the facts and statistics needed right? Wrong. I would like to further analyse the topic, with Religion and History as my chosen AOK's. By appealing that uncertainty is the fundamental to understanding puts a postulation that information cannot be identified short of the presence of a prompt where in this situation the trigger is doubt.

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How true is this? Psychology says that children have inbuilt reflexes that allow them to adapt to their growing habitat. For example, its suckling reflex where the baby can suckle on anything put near on into its mouth. This action was not brought about by doubt but rather a reflex instilled in the child’s brain. History being the gathering of occasions which have happened in the preceding days meaning all evidence that may be unearthed qualifies as being part of history. History is factual, a detailed occurrence of events and the reason few doubt when an event is historically recorded is because the details are recorded in a way to satisfy doubts that may arise. Next onto doubt as an instigator as to an extent to which our beliefs influence the way we gather knowledge.

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This is evident much more so in the way different people carry out their research and give their findings. Even the most knowledgeable people on various disciplines are the most sceptic about some of those truths believed by most of their colleges. In Exodus, Moses asks a voice, self-identified as the supreme being of his descendants, “What is your name?” The response given is usually translated “I AM THAT I AM. ” But it’s well translated “I WILL BE HOWSOEVER I WILL BE. ” One consideration is that even in the disclosure of God’s name, God is still unseen. In other words, God is declining to be considered or to be positioned in a describing box. God is yonder classification and beginning.

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In religion however the most devote followers are in most instances regarded as not knowledgeable. Most of them aren’t Geniuses or well educated. The contrast to that statement is that in most cases due to their continued reading of the Bible and other Christian literature on a daily basis along other meetings where God is spoken about we could consider them knowledgeable simply by that fact alone. Knowledge and doubt will always be there in all our dealings. The presence of one will never mean the absence of the other but rather complement the other. After observing the relationship shared between knowledge and doubt in the fields of Religion and History, we can state with certainty that an increase of knowledge does not always lead to an increase of doubt.

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