Theory of nursing

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

Her vital signs were deranged with temperatures of 102, and blood pressures of 75/50mmhg. Though the nurses initially had a difficult time getting her intravenous line as she was very dehydrated at this point and was running a risk of going into hypovolemic shock, a doctor intervened, and she was immediately started on Hartmann's Solution. She was later given antispasmodics to help manage the pain before a full course of antiprotozoal was given but she kept insisting that the pain was getting worse by the minute. After a comprehensive examination, the doctor concluded that her abdomen was tender and that she would need an abdominal ultrasound stat. Radiography evidenced the presence of an inflamed appendix, and the case immediately turned into a surgical case. The surgery was finally complete, and the patient wheeled to her recovery room.

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As the patient was under the effect of anesthesia, she took a while before she woke up. Her family members had since visited her and were waiting for her in her room. When she finally woke up, she complained of pain around the incision site and was reassured by the nurse in charge of her case that, that was perfectly normal after surgery and that it would resolve after a while. An hour later, Ashley's sister came to the nursing station and reported that her sister was sweating uncontrollably. While she was at the nursing station, she touched a contaminated surface from the previous night's activities and forgot to wash her hands. While she was trying to clean her sister, she decided to use plain water that also seeped in her sister's incision site making it worse without her knowledge.

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Originally the nurses were supposed to render the said service to Ashley, but as they were unapologetically busy, the sister finally decided to do it as she was tired of waiting. Later that day the attending on duty together with Brian, the intern who did the surgery passed by Ashley's room to check on her progress. She complained of severe pain on her incision site, and when they undressed it, they realized that it was septic. Basic tenets of Newman's theory The system model is based on beliefs that nursing an individual is about caring for the individual as a whole and this include caring or his whole body, mind, and spirit (Smith & Liehr,2018). Despite the fact, most patients present to the hospital with physical concerns especially concerning pain, the nurse in charge of their case should ensure they are at peace to facilitate faster physical healing (Smith &Parker, 2015).

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A patient may worry about different issues such as financial or family but need to be calmed down by the nurse concerning the said problems they might express. Although some might find it hard to express themselves, the nurse should urge them to open up to let the issue out. The said theory equally applies primary, secondary and tertiary preventive practices in its belief system and this is ideally meant to help guide the nurses on what to do to avoid patient stressors. J. Liehr, P. R. Eds. Middle range theory for nursing.

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