Underage Drinking Research Paper

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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Hence, underage drinking has been a serious public health concern in the United States. When youth consume alcohol they tend to do it in excess. Statistics indicate that youths between the ages of 12 and 17 drink on average four to five drinks per occasion. Drinking among people that are below age may result in broad range of serious short and long-term impacts. This may include problems relating to academic performance, social problems, such as illnesses and hangovers, unintended, unwanted as well as unprotected sexual activity including sexual assault. However, the association between the exposure to alcohol advertisement and the content in advertisements could be one of the factors that seem to miss from the equation (HILTS n. p). The content in the media seems to be an influential force in influencing the perceptions and expectations of the youth.

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The subjection of youth to alcohol advertising has been linked with the expectancies that the consumption of alcohol will result in increased acceptance and social happiness. These are among the promises that are usually depicted in alcohol advertising (HILTS n. Morse often, character appeal tends to capture attractive celebrities and anthropomorphized creatures that may enhance positive emotional reactions as well as a greater advert liking among the youth (HILTS 23). Advertising genres that are aimed at the youth utilizes fantasy or magic which are mainly associated by young people with kid-focused humor and entertainment, which all teens rate highly. When advertisements use product appeals like an emphasis on cost, taste and quality, have been found to result to minimal purchase intent and reduced liking of ads by the youth.

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Some studies have revealed that youth failed to believe in quality and taste arguments for alcohol. On the other hand, reward appeals normally promise positive life experiences from the use of alcohol to youth with minimal experiences with alcohol in the actual life (HILTS 23). Despite the numerous policies and laws by the government concerning underage drinking, young people continue drinking because as they grow and develop most of them experience dramatic emotional, physical and lifestyle changes. The stages of development like increased independence and puberty is linked with the use of alcohol. Therefore, by just being an adolescent, is a key risk factor in itself for engaging in drinking as well as harmful drinking. According to studies, the brain of a young person tends to develop properly when they are in their twenties (Bonnie and O'Connell 121).

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During this time, their brain keeps establishing essential communication links and further refines its functioning. Among the physiological and behavioral factors that come together to decrease or increase an individual’s risk for alcohol related problems including the tolerance to the effects of alcohol may be directly associated with a person’s genetics (Padon et al. For instance, a child of an alcoholic or the possibility of having a number of family members that are alcoholics puts a person at a greater risk for alcohol related problems. Studies indicate that children of alcoholics are up to 4 and 10 times more like to turn into alcohol addicts that children lack close relatives with alcoholic problems. This shows that children of alcoholics are more likely to start drinking at a tender age and advance to drinking problems at a fast rate.

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