Urban flooding

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In other cases, it appears in the form of sewer backups and wet basements, while in certain situations event insignificant amounts of rain can trigger flooding in urban areas. Regardless, like almost any other disaster, there are different causes of urban flooding. Urban flooding occurs when the landscape cannot absorb excess water. As such, urban flooding is a result of rainwater falling on impervious surfaces overwhelming the local drainage systems in place. According to a survey conducted by Texas and Maryland University, urban flooding is different from river and coastal flooding. Urban flooding is unnatural and such requires diverse solutions. Causes of urban flooding can be categorized into four. This for one include pluvial flooding occurs when rainwater accumulates due to insufficient and buffer capacity.

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It is a type of flooding that occurs as the consequence of extreme rainfall. It is mainly enabled by the inability for the ground to absorb rainwater appropriately or when urban drainage systems can no longer manage the excessive water flow (DHI Solution par. Additionally, there is also Coastal flooding that results from heavy storms and hurricanes that make the sea level rise flooding the neighboring city. The heavy storms and hurricanes cause extreme tidal that eventually trigger a storm surge that cause the coastal flooding (Maddox par. As the name suggests, coastal floods are mainly experienced in regions and places that are found on the coast of an ocean, sea or similar large bodies of open water. Like other forms of flooding, the severity of this type of flooding determined by different factors among them the strength, speed, size and direction.

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Similarly, both the onshore and offshore topography also determine the magnitude of this storm. Development in urban areas is very high. It is characterized by a high number of roofs, pavements, and tarmacked roads. As these developments increase they continue to cover permeable grounds and as such the amount of water running on these surfaces to drainage system rises immensely. Moreover, urban flooding often results in pollution. When drainages overflow they pick up harmful substances like chemical and fecal material which is eventually deposited on water sources. More so, their physical and mental health is affected. Most people contract Asthma due to mold exposure. Their psychological state also changes. According to a study conducted by Neighborhood Technology in Chicago Area, over 84 % of those affected by floods suffered stress.

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Furthermore, urban flooding is a localized problem. Over two-thirds of Netherlands is prone to flooding as most of the towns are built on alluvial plains. Furthermore, the majority of the population live in urban areas with over 50% of its people in low areas. The Netherlands has experienced several floods in the past including Amsterdam and St. Elizabeth’s floods. Nevertheless, the Netherlands have put up several measures and structures to mitigate these floods. As such, they are efforts to define urban flooding clearly and to map out potential risk areas. Also, urban flooding should be included in the climate change talks. However, they are several ways people can prepare for floods especially homeowners. For instance, they can buy home insurance that caters for floods (Drescher 3).

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As such, they will have a place to start in cases of extreme flooding. They enable the people to estimate the expected damage. Moreover, the ability to forecast floods enables the people at risk to save property and lives. However, predictions can be costly especially in cases where they are underestimated. As such, the collection of accurate data is essential for accurate weather forecasting. One of the main causes of urban flooding is the blockage of drainage systems by garbage and other related fillers. Nevertheless, structural measures can be overwhelmed by capacity, and in some cases, the risk is transferred from one place to another. Moreover, the redirection of a river has consequences. In some cases it is advisable and in others not.

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Non-structural measures can be categorized into four. Emergency planning entails issuing warnings and conducting evacuations. Urban flooding can be majorly attributed to improper planning. In many areas urbanization and the increase in population place high expectation on the land. As such, laws and policies regarding construction are rarely adhered due to the political and economic influences. Such occurrences obstruct the flow of water especially in rainy seasons resulting in urban flooding. As such it is vital for decision-makers to ensure that proper policies put in place are followed. com/hurricane-harvey-facts-damage-costs-4150087 DHI Solution. “Pluvial flood management. file:///C:/Users/Ken/Downloads/CoastandMarine_Pluvial%20flood%20management%20-%20DHI%20Solution. pdf Drescher, Michael. "COMMENTARY: Five Ways To Prepare Urban Homes For Flooding". com/risks-of-hazard-blog/three-common-types-of-flood-explained Sen, Debashere.

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