URBAN TOURISM Strategic Plans
In many state strategic planning has kept them ahead of the game economically. Strategic planning has many benefits including making the future happen, make wise decisions, create direction, create a lasting business, maximizes on the profits and the market, creates uniqueness and creates satisfaction (Moutinho, & Vargas 2018, p. Many destinations in the world can attest to the significant positive difference strategic planning has done in there tourism. Below we are going to see the various benefits strategic planning has created in the tourism sector and give an example a destination has benefitted as a result of this kind of planning. When the tourism area is planned efficiently, it can lead to huge benefits economically. When the future is bright and clear on where a state sees itself in the tourism sector there is an assurance of stability (Hall, & Page, 2014, p.
The strategic plans make every day a challenge to move a step ahead in the achievement of goals and dreams set for the future. So many states can testify that strategic planning has been of great impact to the current growth of the tourism sector. Tourism like any other business needs strategic planning to withstand it. Strategic planning helps in the maximization of the profits and market. Planning makes the future happen. Many if not all are familiar with the quote “a dream without a strategy is a nightmare” The future that one sees for a certain area of an economy can only be achieved if plans for it are made. Strategic planning makes this possible since it is a long-term goal that is well thought of and planned every step of the way in the making of the bigger picture.
These plans propel the move towards the establishment of a foreseen future that only becomes a reality if proper goals are made and adhered to. Directed movement leads to a foreseen end that is precisely what strategic planning does direct the movement of the tourism sector. Even if the plan may contain some failures in accordance with the way they are made the benefits experienced are quiet massive. Overall strategic planning brings dreams to reality. PART B Planning Approach A planning approach is a way of getting development in a certain sector being aimed at looking at the dimensions by which it is affected. Tourism is a growing area in many regions various planning approaches have been implemented with the aim of influencing development. The approaches have been received with criticism.
The recent past growth has been as a contribution of the strategic approach. The spatial approach incorporates the territorial dimension and the physical area aimed at the distribution of economic activities and tourism activities to be precise, at the same time making sure that the land use is rationally used. This approach focuses on the environment and the components of it. In the tourism industry, the environment plays a key role in the growth and a spatial approach can be a great factor to consider. In this approach, the country, town and tourism planning unite with a single aim of development of the environment. The work of Murphy is an encouragement in the approach of community-based that leads to the involvement of the society in the planning of development. The approach has led to the development of tourism both locally and worldwide (Dredge, and Jamal, 2015, p.
The negative effects of the approach are that some people in the society will always complain about something hence if there complains are still addressed it may lead to the loss of focus on the main agenda of the industry, and that is for economic growth. Looking at the positive side, the approach leads to the support of the community leading to massive support and development. One state that has made good use of this approach for the benefit of tourism is Thailand. Every approach as seen is of great importance in the growth of the tourism sector in the long run and none can be ignored. The evaluation and incorporation of these approaches in tourism lead to development. The development of tourism in any state is dependent on the methods above and the implementation of the policies.
Part 2 Historical Buildings Adaptive Re-use A country’s heritage is a treasured asset that represent a region’s past in the best way. It plays a key role in defining a town’s future through provision of sustainable development antics and regeneration stimulus. Globalization and urbanization is threatening the extinction of these products and hence there is need to put in measures to protect these assets. Adaptive reuse is one of the effective and common practices aimed at preserving historic buildings. Adaptive reuse is defined as the process of recycling such obsolete old buildings by further developing them for use. For instance the Great Mosque in Spain was converted to a museum. This has led to the attraction of tourists as well as prevents it from being abandoned (Mason 2008, p. The cultural and historic values of the building in context are not neglected.
Factors to Consider During Adaptive Re-use Age- One of the factors that makes a building historic is its age. An ancient building makes it special since it is one of a kind and few exist making it a rarity. Buildings that are less than 50 years old are deemed very close to the present age hence can only be of eminence if their quality is either outstanding or under threat (Watt 2015, p. Design- This is the locality, and the planning of a building. Cultural tourism is important since it helps in regeneration of historic buildings. Tourism and culture have a mutual relationship that ensures that all parties benefit from such relationship. In addition to generating revenue for the country, it is seen as a means to develop quality tourism. This is because those who seek to visit historic buildings are affluent, well-traveled and educated.
This makes them upscale visitors and are ready to send big. Part 2 Westminster Abbey Westminster Abbey is one of the London’s oldest buildings that serve as tourist attraction centers for many years, and its history can be dated back for thousands of years. Du by ring the 960 AD, the Benedictine monks were brought to the place by Dunstan who was the Bishop of London at the moment (James 2016, p. The building has stood strong for many years, and now many people are traveling the world to go and see it for its ancient history that it holds. Some people also go to spend their leisure times there or sometimes the place is used to hold several functions by the government or the people that live around. Despite the building being old among the other buildings around, it is still firm indicating how much efforts were put in it during the time it was built.
The Westminster Abbey had a great influence among the English religious groups that existed in the country, and it was further enhanced after the Abbey was exempted from the jurisdiction in the year 1222. The Abbey was now to be directly answerable to the Pope himself. King Henry III begun the Gothic Church at the Abbey in the year 1245 and by then the place was still under construction. The eastern portion of the Abbey that included the Quire was completed in the year 1269 which created some new transformation to the place (Knighton et al. p. Westminster Abbey is also used as a place where religious functions take place especially the Catholic Church which holds its church services at the place on Sundays (Jame 2016 p. It encourages social development among the local people as they meet once in a week to share their life experiences and also to build their bonds.
When the people come together, they can share their problems and help each other, and it helps to strengthen the bond that exists between them. The local people also adopt the different social life of the many people who come to the place, and the new social life can impact the society either positively or negatively. The historic site is symbolic to the people living there, and it helps then to associate well and live in peace with each other, and it makes them proud especially on what they own. Dredge, D. and Jamal, T. Progress in tourism planning and policy: A post-structural perspective on knowledge production. Tourism Management, 51, pp. Giaoutzi, M. Hoboken, Taylor and Francis. eblib. com/choice/publicfullrecord. aspx?p=1687371. James, T. Knighton, C. S. and Mortimer, R. Westminster Abbey Reformed: 1540–1640.
Routledge. uk/welcome. html?ark:/81055/vdc_100055963799. x000001. Watt, D. Surveying historic buildings.
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