Washington Crossing the Delaware analysis

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

Document 1

In the middle of the night of Christmas 1776, George Washington led an army of 2400 soldiers across the Delaware to fight in Princeton and Trenton (Dalwood). Based on history, it was these two battles that saved the American Revolution against the British colonizers. Since there were no video cameras or other video tapping devices at this time in history the most effective way to bring the events of the night of Christmas 1776 is through a painting. For that reason, I set out to paint George Washington crossing the Delaware River. It was in the past even as it is today, necessary to understand history and appreciate the sacrifices of those who came before us in ensuring that America is a land free of colonization and any other form of oppression. George Washington is painted standing while the boat is crossing the river.

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This is could not be necessarily true since he would have toppled into the river, yet it symbolizes his strong spirit and leadership. Several other individuals are also in the boat. They are from various diverse backgrounds. They include an African American, a Scotsman, and Native America. In this case, I have painted the image in a manner that gives glory not only to George Washington but also to the soldiers who were sailing in the boat with him. In addition, the image show respect to the country of America and its leadership, George Washington being its first president. These would make the key ethical considerations to making or displaying the image. Also, it is necessary to appreciate that the other figures in the painting are my imagination of what the soldiers in the boat might have looked like.

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I have used the most appropriate attires that represent their duties at this time and as such the painting is not demeaning to their calling as soldiers during the American liberation struggle. First, I have the right to distribute the work either original or in copies and in any other form to any individual (Schlackman). Second, I have the right to make copies of the work in any fixed form, in digital or in print. Third, I have the right to make derivatives of the work. This implies that I have the right to change the work or modify it be it a copy or original work of art. Fourth, I have the right to publicly perform the work (Schlackman). The copyright holder who is the original creator of the art work can during the sale of the art work transfer these rights to the buyer either in whole or in part for whichever duration that the artists desires (DuBoff, King, & Murray).

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The process of conveying these rights are mostly done through contracts or licensing agreements. These will determine which rights have been transferred and which ones remain with the artists. The contracts/licensing agreement contains outline which rights are being transferred, who receives them, the scope of the rights being transferred, and the duration for the conveyance. In addition, it is necessary to appreciate that the ownership agreements between the model and the artists will also determine who can claim and to what extent the model can claim ownership (Schlackman). Mary Bill Rts. J. Schlackman, Steve. Who Really Owns the Art: Creator or Buyer. Available at https://alj.

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