Why do people remain unhappy in life

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Literature

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However, the meaningful moments of life can be overlooked while one is in search of happiness. In literal terms, most people believe happiness is a choice. People tend to be in control of their thoughts and actions. For this reason, whatever feelings they have, either of happiness or unhappiness are something that they have chosen for themselves. The definition of happiness is vague and therefore can be defined using various parameters, such as outward success, inward success among others (Sara 58). Happiness and sadness are two completely opposite emotions, just like black and white. Typically, satisfaction in life yields happiness while dissatisfaction yields sadness. Attaining the things one want in life yields happiness while lack of such things causes sadness. There is, therefore, some really contrasting attributes that differentiate happiness and sadness.

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in the present day society, happiness is a highly valued emotion. Others remain unhappy due to guilt and regrets, and others choose to remain unhappy just because they think that the world’s problems are on their shoulders. There is also another group of people who believe that dwelling on the negative aspects of life is being realistic. A more complicated reason for unhappiness is certain types of mental disorders that leave some people in complete misery and sadness (Louise and Rosberg 78). Arguments Every individual has the means to find happiness in life. However, most people self-destroy themselves with negative feelings. The modern society has tremendously aggravated the unhappiness issue among people. This can be seen through the rising popularity of screen operations through mobile phones, tablets, TVs among others. The effects of “screen time” are overwhelming and deleterious.

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Studies show that people that spend most of their time on screen live in the realm of unhappiness, this, therefore, emphasizes the importance of personal interactions with people, as it yields more value to life. This, therefore, suggests that people who live unhappy lives are unable to recognize the goodness and advantages of personal social relationships that they have in life Peter 18). Therefore, unhappy feelings are not constant and hence it’s possible to change those feelings to more positive ones (Sara 59). Self-acceptance is an important aspect of living a happy life. Evidence shows that most people living unhappy lives are usually in some kind of denial about their lives. Self-denial arises from a dissatisfaction that most people have with their lives. Self-acceptance will ensure that an individual doesn’t compare their success to another person’s success hence reducing a different kind of pressures that arise with this.

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This leads to a situation whereby an individual is left with no space to take care of his/her happiness. Additionally, professional aspirations lead to depression and demotivation when an individual is unable to be as successful as their fellow peers. Moreover, pressures put on a person by family members can cause demotivation and depression (Louise and Rosberg 78). People who choose unhappiness do not realize that once they fall into depression, getting out of it is never easy. Being a mental illness, depression leaves after effects that do not just disappear overnight. A happy life keeps an individual from any negative feelings. When an individual is happy, people around them are happy too. Happiness enables an individual to enjoy the good times and gives them the will to endure the inevitable adverse moments.

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There doesn’t seem to be any reason why a person should choose unhappiness over happiness (Louise and Rosberg 78). Obligations As much as individuals are responsible for themselves, persons in a society have a certain degree of responsibility towards each other. Additionally, a sad person happens to be more persuasive as compared to a happy person (Louise and Rosberg 78). This is according to a research study conducted in 2007. Moreover, a study conducted in 2013 suggests that sadness encourages more analytical thinking. Finally, its suggested that being unhappy is a part of a meaningful life (Sara 67). This is supported by a study led by Roy Baumeister, which found out that substantial contribution in a society is from people who sacrifice their personal pleasures for constructive work in the society (Sara 67). Happiness itself is less complex than most people perceive it to be.

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It’s important for people to choose to experience positive emotions and live a life that feels worthwhile to them. This way they will live a more fulfilling and productive life. Works cited Louise, Danielsson, and Susanne Rosberg. Opening Toward Life: Experiences of Basic Body Awareness Therapy in Persons with Major Depression. Spectator, vol.  322, no.  9663, 2013, p. Sara, Budzik. Free Your Mind; A meditation Guide to Freedom and Happiness.

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