Why fast food is gaining popularity in china

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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However, according to an article on ‘An Analysis of the Development of Chinese Fast Food Industry’ written by Zhuang and Jiang , modern fast foods industry did not exist in China until 1987 when KFC opened a branch in mainland China (Zhuang & Jiang, 2016). In recent years, changes in lifestyle and reduced leisure time have resulted to shift of consumers from traditional full-service restaurants toward fast-food establishments. Additionally, westernization has influenced the Chinese hence increasing the demand for fast foods. In the past decade, China has realized very strong growth in the fast food industry due to increased fast food service providers, improved franchising management and chain stores. A data drawn from ACMR-IBIS World ,estimates that the Fast-Food Restaurant industry in China will generate $174. The author who had a one-on-one interview with Mr. Zhang Biao, the founder, chairman, and CEO of Gil Wonton, one of the earliest and largest fast-food chain stores in China shares first and second personal information giving us the history of Gil Wonton and its success.

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According to Nothhaft, his answer to the growth of the fast food industry lied only in the current post-2000 generation. He, therefore, concluded that "urbanization in related eating habits" were the key drivers of the Fast Food Industry. Nothhaft, 2017). The authors of the article are well known and internationally respected experts in the health sector. They have worked with various major health institutions in China, New York, and U. S. A such as the Department of Epidemiology and Environmental Health. To find out the growth of fast foods in China and the factors which might have contributed to its rapid growth, the authors searched and analyzed data from published research papers, government reports, released data from industry among other relevant sources which made up their conclusion and therefore presented their arguments.

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According to their research finding, China's per capita disposable income increased 11 times after an accounted inflation between1978 and 2012 from 340RMB to 24500RMB. This led to a dramatic shift in food behaviors and dietary patterns. It also led to a significant increase in consumption of food-away-from-home (FAFH). The authors also attributed the growth to increased leisure as many people enjoy eating out at fast food restaurants with family and friends together with other activities like watching movies. Wang &Xue et al, 2018) Popularity and peer influence was another contributing factor to its popularity whereby according to the authors, fast foods were more popular and acceptable by the young people due to their atmosphere which is exciting as well as their fast service compared to traditional Chinese food. Zhai, F. Y. et al, 2014) In their conclusion, consumption of fast foods in restaurants and street stalls had consistently raised among all age groups in the more urbanized areas.

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The article “An Analysis of the Development of Chinese Fast Food Industry” written by Kexin, Zhuang and Jiang and published on 25th July 2016, took the discussion to another level. The authors, who are associated with to the Asian Economic and Social Society (AESS) and are also registered by the school of economics and finance in Shanghai International Studies University in China. However, to some sources, Fast Foods were reasons to some health problems such as obesity. Future research should focus on how urbanization and busy schedule among the Chinese people has greatly contributed to the growth and popularity of the fast foods leading to increased obesity cases in China. Nonetheless, the research is most likely to find challenges such as lack of relevant information. The challenges should be well addressed by ensuring researchers get first-hand information from reliable sources, achieved through personally conducting interviews and organizing surveys in the urban centers especially during weekends when most of the people are available.

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The researchers will ensure they use updated information from reliable sources such as government data centers while avoiding the use of the internet to get information. Zhai, F. Y. et al. Dynamics of the Chinese diet and the role of urbanicity, 1991–2011.  Obesity reviews 15 (2014): 16-26.

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