Why Is It Better to Be Vegan

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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, (6), both vegans and vegetarians have their distinct reasons as to why they embrace that style of life. For instance, vegetarians believe that plants are healthier as compared to animal produce since vegetables are regarded as medicinal herbs (). A vegan may either be a supporter of the philosophies regarding the refraining from the use of animals or a fan of diets that do not contain meat or animal produce. There are two categories of vegans who are distinguished by either philosophy or food. This paper will focus on the reason why one should embrace veganism; the article will also elaborate on the social, economic benefits that veganism affects human lives as well as the ideas why veganism way of life is different from the vegetarians' style of living.

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However, it is indisputable that some plants are poisonous and so do some of the animal produces. The matter at hand is the level of exposure to dangers of contracting diseases when consuming either farm crops of or animal farm produce is what determines the best feeding habits (Laura, 16). People who consume on food rich in cholesterol or have a high quantity of cholesterol are vulnerable to develop high blood pressure due to clogging of fats deposits in the blood vessels. Not only does a high amount of cholesterol in the meals leads to high blood pressure but also increase chances of experiencing heart attacks, hypertension and even stroke in some severe cases. The rate of death cases related to the cardiovascular complication is higher in vegetarians as compared to the vegans.

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The style of life embraced by the vegans and the vegetarians has proved to be beneficial as the feeding habits have radically seen a reduction of blood pressure, cholesterol level, and hypertension as well as the risk of developing diabetes (Laura, 22). As a vegan or vegetarians, it is indisputable that keeping the weight down as a result of consuming low sugar based meals. A large number of American people consume processed food, fat, saturated snacks as well as foods that contain complex sugars hence exposing them to the health hazards associated with heavy weights (Donald, 34). The habit of consuming a diet rich in fat and high sugar levels has led to increasing the number of mass related death cases. According to the statistics by established organizations such as Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Centre for Health, over fifteen percent of young people out of sixty percent of the mature population ageing between 5-20 years of age are exposed to suffering from weight-related ailments.

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The use of chemicals in farming has made it difficult for the vegans and vegetarians to defend their position regarding the use of animal farm products based on health reason. These complications arise due to the danger that the frequent use of chemicals for growing vegetables and other farm crops also expose them to health risks. Therefore, it is not justifiable that only meat consumers are the ones presented to health associated dangers since the chemicals used for crop farming also subject the vegans and vegetarians to the same (Givens, 81). I do not disagree with vegans and vegetarian health, religious, ethical or environmental reasons that dictate their way of life. I strongly object to persons who are busy formulating theories that are aimed at distorting the scientific facts about diet concerning animal food consumption.

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