Wireless Technology Security
Document Type:Thesis
Subject Area:Computer Science
The technology offers users from novice to a professional with the flexibility they need to connect to and manage their network. The future of wireless technology looks bright; there are many new forms of concepts such as Li-Fi that is applying light-emitting diodes (LEDs) applied for transmission of data , it’s a wireless optical networking technology (Rouse 2013). Wireless networking can prove to be significant in hotels, firms, cafeterias, institutions, libraries among others. This is places where wireless networking is commonly applied and one may come across wireless internet access. Considering the financial sectors, it’s essential to clients and the supplier as well. There are several wireless technologies that are currently applied. This technology assists us to compete in computer networking race and stabilize up to date in the technological world.
Computer networking is a very convenient and advanced field that has been utilized on many technological aspects. In computer networking, several devices have been applied for the purposes of networking. The wireless technologies offer the easiest and suitable approach towards communication that occurs between different sectors that are far behind from varieties of latest and modern technologies. Currently, the Wi-Fi technology is applied as home or office network in various electronic devices. The wireless LAN is categorized into three key parts where its entire working and application relies upon, these parts include the mixed network, infrastructure mode as well as the hot network. Many devices such as mobile phones, consist of inbuilt card. if the network type are free the user is only provided with the id and passwords logins to access the network.
Currently, there are four key Wi-Fi technologies types, “Wi-Fi-802. On standard personal wireless networking basis, low power radios are applied following a methodology for technology advancement. It provides high speed or excellent rate of data transfer applications. However, it was modified to work on great long battery timings at ultra-low power consumption and at a cheaper cost. This is a perfect technology that is capable of operating at low cost and low power as well and applied for wireless control and monitoring. WiMAX technology is another type associated with the wireless network. The data that can be accessed since installed apps, data location among others. This can similarly apply to the installed applications. In addition, the stores are not allowed or given the responsibility to safeguard your data or device on their network.
Public Wi-Fi networks cannot be considered as safe and their intentions are not similar to that of stores. Public Wi-Fi networks have no any guarantee or legal obligation to safeguard your data or even the device. The first one is the war driving. And this can be referred to as the act of driving within neighborhoods and various areas in order to enumerate the existence of the wireless network, encryption type applied, password as well as any other pertinent data. This data can be chalked or even posted to several websites. You may come across various websites such as Skyhook that usually ask this to the users. Another attack commonly applied to wireless networks is the cracking attacks. Multiple technologies, for instance, the websites, as well as web servers, consisted of DoS protective strategies since the internet can be able to allow connection to them in case they are public facing.
Karma attacks are also used and it’s a tool that was applied to probe, attack as well as sniffing of the Wi-Fi networks applying the Man-in-the-middle(MITM) technique. One of the current incarnations of Karma and Metasploit portmanteau is the karmetasploit. After the attacker has managed to get the run control file and proper configuration has been accomplished as well. The attacker can apply airmon-ng as well as the airbase-ng for the establishment of the wireless access point(AP) and this usually penetrates the Wi-Fi to cause threats. With enabled SSID broadcast, the network SSID is freely broadcasted into the air and any computer that is within your wireless network range is capable of accessing this network. If the owner of the wife network does not broadcast his or her Wi-Fi name or any service set identifier (SSID), it is not possible for the attackers to monitor or access your network.
And therefore they will have no any chance to attack your network. The SSID is usually sent in every single packet that is transmitted wirelessly. The program output below is known as the SSIDer. It usually encodes the data conveyed between your wireless routers to the computer. Wireless routers, for instance, the Linksys WRT54G, as well as wireless access points, usually provide several encryption types. The scramble of data prior to sending to other networks is accomplished by encryption algorithms, and this usually makes the data difficult to read to other outsiders. The use of encryption can drastically boost the wireless network security. Initially, it was somehow hectic to encrypt the transmission of wireless networks compared to wired ones. The temporal key integrity protocol (TKIP) can alter the key periodically.
The key is applied to encrypt data hence making it difficult for attackers to locate likeliness in between the packets. TKIP plays a greater role in the enhancement of security associated with wireless networks. AES (Advanced Encryption Standards) encryption is the toughest type of encryption and it was developed by famous Belgian scientists. Currently, the AES encryption is the most effective and strongest encryption type for wireless network security that is available. Reference A. October 11). Wireless networks - Types of wireless networks. Retrieved from http://wifinotes. com/wireless-networks. techworld. com/data/what-is-li-fi-everything-you-need-know-3632764/ (n. d. Retrieved April 03, 2018, from http://en. tekstenuitleg. n. d. Retrieved from http://planete. inrialpes. fr/~ccastel/COURS/C2-wifi. September 09). Introduction to Wireless Networking Part 3 - Security, General Tips, and Tricks. Retrieved April 03, 2018, from http://techgenix. com/introduction-wireless-networking-part3/ 5 Wi-Fi Networking Predictions for 2017.
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