World Terrorism Research Paper

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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They believe in ‘American cause’. Since World War II and as compared to any other nation in the world, they have engaged in more wars. Were the wars intended to protect her from aggressors? Not really. The US mission is imperialistic mission, the only country in the world. For political advantage or profit, she has frequently engaged in regions destabilization across the globe. The highest suicide and crime rates are found there. Racism is rampant in this nation. Except their own, no one cares about other races. Projects like project paper clip, mk ultra and HAARP are example of experiments shamelessly carried out on her own citizens. The US supports dictators in reality when it promotes democracy in slogans. War on Terror" is a lie Everybody has a gun in this nation.

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The police can eliminate anyone in the name of fighting terror. Europe seeks no excuses to attack other countries neither does she convict her citizens without trial. You must be proven guilty first. America is dangerous because she’s willing to use her power when deemed necessary. The US has ruined Middle East Middle East has been in its worst shape, since Iraq war (Nacos, 2016). Saddam Hussein appears to be even much better. USA fights with fighter jets and drones. With the divide and rule agenda, she can even fight a much dangerous covert war. Nowhere in the principles of democracy has been indicated that people must know everything. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the U. S. Terror State On August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively, the US detonated two nuclear weapons over Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japanese cities during the final WW2 stage.

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At least 130,000 people were killed, civilians comprising the majority (Broad & William, 2016). In the history of warfare, this remains the only nuclear weapon use. American historian Gar Alperovitz popularized this idea of atomic diplomacy in 1965 (Broad & William, 2016). In Japanese school history textbooks, this became the position, though refuted by mainstream historians. Atomic bombing is fundamentally immoral, as asserted by those opposing the bombings. They are said to constitute state terrorism and as war crimes. They can only be equated to racism and dehumanization of the people of Japan. They are part of a larger conspiracy against the principles defining America and, freedom of Americans. Haass, (2013) believes that the tragedy that hit the nation on September 11, 2001 in New York is a more clear fact. Inside shadow establishment of America were traitors. They conspired with Israelis Zionist terrorist to bring down the two towers.

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This took America to war. To quote the words of one American, “we've always tried to be the "world's police", that's why so many countries hate us. The ignorant, blind-patriots can come here all they like and defend this nonsense, but its FACT. We have military bases in over FIFTY-THREE countries worldwide, including Germany since the war. Can you image the fear, paranoia and bigotry if Germany or other countries had military bases here? No way would that be allowed. Nobody bombs countries that mind their own business, and contrary to narrow-minded "opinion", those peaceful countries are just as free as we are, with less crime, better healthcare and better economies. Majority of the US population are patriotic blow-hards. They justify the US actions to decide who qualifies to manufacture nuclear weapons and those who fail to meet the threshold.

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Such people are quit ignorant and are not worth our time and attention. In conclusion, America had a hidden motive in her endeavor to use nuclear weapons in ending a war. Power-hungry despots were seeking to oppress anyone disagreeing with them and eventually achieve global domination. She however claims to exclusively own the rights to determine who to use nuclear arms and vice versa. All Americans should get their heads out of this misinformed stereotype. References Broad, William J. May 23, 2016). The Hiroshima Mushroom Cloud That Wasn't". Columbia University Press. Wohlforth, W. C. US strategy in a unipolar world. America unrivaled: The future of the balance of power, 98-118.

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