A gaze into major depressive disorder

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Education

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This paper aims at discussing the history and etiology of depression, its association with chronic diseases, treatment strategies, preventive interventions, and the significance of support systems. Keywords: major depressive disorder, history, chronic diseases, treatment strategies, preventive interventions, support systems. Major Depressive Disorder Also named clinical depression, major depressive disorder, is among the most prevalent and disabling mental conditions. Current estimates from the World Health Organization [WHO] (2018) show that over 300 million individuals of all ages across the globe have depression. National Institute of Mental Health (2019) verifies that in 2017, the prevalence of one or more major depressive episodes in US adults and adolescents was 7. Furthermore, not every person under pressure become depressed. Another significant factor is that anyone can be a victim of depression.

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Monroe and Reid maintain that depression is associated with weakness because society has created stereotypes and stigmatized the illness. The purpose of this paper is to discuss major depressive disorder including its history and etiology, its association with chronic diseases, assessment and diagnosis, treatment, preventive interventions, as well as the significance of support systems. Etiology and History of Depression Throughout history, depression has been one of the challenging mental illnesses. All of these were deemed to influence personality traits and how mental illnesses developed. Hippocrates argued that melancholic developed when the spleen had excessive black bile. Therefore, he used treatments like dieting, exercise, hydrotherapy, and bloodletting. Later around the Middle Ages, religious explanation for melancholia were adopted. Besides thinking that depression was as a result of possession, people also believed that madness was infectious.

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This test comprises of 21 items used to measure symptoms and characteristics attitudes of depression (Beck, Steer, Garbin, 1988). The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders fifth edition (DSM-5) is primarily used as a reliable diagnostic system. This manual is instrumental because it not only provides a criterion from which to make the diagnosis but also distinguishes between multiple conditions that might have similar symptoms. Major depressive disorder is characterized by reduced or loss of interest in activities that one initially enjoyed, increase or decrease in appetite, disturbed sleep, and diminished or poor concentration. Furthermore, an individual may experience feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness, fatigue, and persistent thoughts related to death. For instance, stroke can cause mobility issues and affect independence. Such changes can be stressful and cause a certain amount of psychological distress.

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Shu-Li et al. ’s (2014) analysis demonstrate this fact. In this study, 205 rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients were monitored for a maximum period of 10 years to investigate the rate at which new diagnosis of depression would be made. Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder MN is a 30-year old Caucasian female who lost her job a year ago. She reported feeling sad and hopeless all the time. MN says that she has difficulties falling and staying asleep. She states that most of her waking time is spent worrying. MN acknowledges that some of her thoughts are related to the fear of not being a good employee and not finding another job. Treatment can take between 10-20 meetings. Throughout these sessions, assessment tools are usually used to evaluate progress and improvements (March et al.

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, 2004) Prevention of Depression Depressive disorders affect occupational and academic productivity and performance of familial and social roles. While reduced productivity creates poverty cycles, people and the nations as a whole continue to bear the high costs of treatment. Notwithstanding, preventive interventions heighten the chances of minimizing the disease burden. Regular exercise is also useful in reducing the chances for chronic health conditions that occur with depression, such as cardiovascular diseases. Another way of preventing it is by building healthy relationships and social support systems. Having an active social life and connecting with other people is essential. This is because it may help in reducing suicidal thoughts, which are frequent when an individual is isolated and also increases feelings of belonging and purpose, which in turn boosts mental health.

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Psychoeducation is another preventive intervention used in preventing major depressive disorder. These thoughts, coupled with negative emotions, form the most critical aspect of depressive disorders. However, a person who maintains healthy connections develops a sense of belonging and continuously stays connected to life. Being connected means seeing possibilities for the future and making beneficial plans. Support systems may consist of significant others, such as friends and family. In other circumstances, these can include self-help groups, church members, and so forth as long as they have a positive impact on one’s life. L. , Foa, E. B. , Gur, R. E. Li, H. , Ge, S. , Greene, B. , & Dunbar-Jacob, J. Depression in the context of chronic diseases in the United States and China. National Institute of Mental Health.

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