Adopting a pet essay

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Religion

Document 1

They fail to understand than a pet is the best choice they can make (Gillett & James, 2017). Adopting pets help to save life. Shelters host gurgantum amount of animals with majorly the old. These animals are provided for care and mostly rescured from being euthonized. However, the modicum space and resources in the shelter limit the intake of another animal. Some animals are left because they have behavioural issues or because their owner died. Albeit any of the reasons, with love and care these animals can become our greatest friend. The wide variety of animals in the shelter provides an animal to everyone penchant. Lastly, it costs less to adopt a pet. When adopting a pet, the shelter usualy includesthe spay and first vaccination cost in the overall cost of purchasing the animal.

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