Advanced Information Management Essay

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

They will easily get any information from one system. This will increase the usability of the system (Botha, Botha, & Herselman, 2014). Secondly, the system will enhance data sharing. Data will be shared between the health providers and the patients or one hospital and another. This promotes interoperability as it facilitates better service delivery for the patient (Murphy, 2015). This will increase the costs spent by the hospital, thus, reducing profits (Murphy, 2015). Fourthly, inability to get a compatible software that interacts well with the healthcare system. Incompatibility of the system with the phone or computer’s software hinders the deliver results as expected by the users. This means that one will have to depend on manual information given by the staff and not the system, since an incompatible system may give wrong results.

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How the system affects documentation and patient care. Since all data will be confined in one place, nurses will be able to search and retrieve vital data such as patients’ lab results. Additionally, they will be able to feed in data, such as the diagnosis and interventions indicated for the patient, and this data will be stored for a long time for future use. Therefore, the quality of services delivered by nurses will be improved. This is due to the fact that patients will take less time traveling from one unit to another during their treatment, nurses will be able to follow up on the patients’ progress as well as medications use since every detail is in the system, and there will be a faster and better diagnosis and treatment of patients, with less medical error encountered.

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Additionally, nurses will be able to provide a patient-centered care at an affordable cost, form good relationships with their patients, and share relevant information with other health practitioners (Kamalzadeh, 2012). Also, patients will not need to make longs queues so as to see a doctor or get their lab results, instead, they will log into their portals and obtain the necessary information (Barton, 2009). The second QI data that could be collected is the efficiency of communication between medical practitioners themselves, and also with patients. Important information like lab results could be sent to the doctor, prescriptions information to the pharmacist, and hospital bills at the cashier. This will increase efficiency that will result in an overall increased patient turnover. It will also reduce medical errors associated with manual activities performed by health practitioners, especially in the elderly patient who take more than one drug.

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Fourthly, there must be a written policy enumerating on how data will be backed up and later recovered (Terry, 2012). How the system achieve patient privacy protection Privacy is the right a patient has over his or her personal data and determines how it can be shared (National Research Council, 1997). HIPAA Privacy Policy describes instances under which a patient’s protected data can be disclosed or used, otherwise, it should not be shared without patients’ permission. The system will promote patients privacy by; having “Access controls” such as PIN numbers and passwords, to limit the number of people accessing the information. The system will also encrypt the stored data, thus, will not be read by any other person other than the authorized person who has a “key” to decrypt the data.

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As a result, patients will undergo a diagnostic test and receive treatment in one hospital, and still go to another hospital to get the same tests and treatment. In some cases, patients are readmitted in the same hospital and receive the same test they received when they were there at first. Thus, an electronic system will connect hospitals and enable data sharing, which will prevent duplication of services, hence, reducing wastages (Bardhan, Ayabakan, Zheng, & Kirksey, 2014). Increase productivity The system could be used for accounting services, billing services, and in the management of the supply chain. As a result, this will increase resource allocation and decrease transaction costs. Their expertise lies in the medical field. They will provide a perspective from their side in relation to patient care or an intervention to be used, and also assess the system to determine whether their needs are met.

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The second stakeholder is the executive and board leadership. Under this, there is the board members, CEO, and the chief Information personnel. Their expertise is majorly in administration and leadership. People tasked with implementation should be honest when giving their opinions or taking actions aimed at implementing the system. Also, they should be accountable of how the resources were managed, time utilized, and on the decisions they made (Vant, 2015). To evaluate the success of the implementation process, there are several factors that must be assessed based on the professional standards highlighted above, and these factors are; time spent, the cost utilized, and the goals achieved. Under the factor of time, it is expected that the implementation process should utilize the stipulated time.

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